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制售假冒药品有大利可图。Counterfeiting medicines can be very lucrative.

雪人的这种形象很快就变得炙手可热了。This image of the snowman soon became lucrative.

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这是一门变化莫测,收益极其丰厚的生意。It is a quicksilver business and wildly lucrative.

他们莫名其妙地放弃了那些正在升值的公债。They surrendered the lucrative bonds for no reason.

山西神木县法官投资煤矿受益引发争议。Judge's lucrative investment in coalmine causes stir.

现在他在新政权下搞到了一个收入丰厚的工作。He's got a very lucrative job with the new regime now.

赛门铁克发现这是一项合算的生意。This is a lucrative business, Symantec has discovered.

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这是一个精心组织、赢利的地下产业。It's a well-organized and lucrative underground industry.

中国大陆的通讯业将会很有利可图。China's telecommunications industry will be very lucrative.

你兼营的自己的小企业会很有利润。Your own small business on the side sounds pretty lucrative.

文章营销是一门大生意,如果你是正确的。Article marketing is a lucrative business if you do it right.

然而,舞台演出天生没有“一本万利”的繁殖力。However, natural stage there is no "lucrative" and fecundity.

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长能够成功地变成利润丰厚的商业机会。Expertise can be parlayed into lucrative business opportunities.

对希曼而言,旅程价格很快从可支付变为了有收入。For Seaman, the price quickly went from affordable to lucrative.

呼叫中国——腐败玷污赚钱的电信行业Calling China? Corruption Taints the Lucrative Telecoms Business.

你当然是站着说话不腰疼咯,毕竟你有一份收入颇丰的工作。It is easy for you to say, after all, you've got a lucrative job!

暴利最大的贸易是糖和甜酒。The most lucrative trade in the region was in sugar cane and rum.

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成为专家使你在其他市场上有更多有钱可赚的工作做。Being an expert opens doors to more lucrative work in other markets.

作为一种宣传手段,免费音乐要远为有用。Free music is just publicity for a far more lucrative tour business.

一些人如期归来,一些人留居海外,找到了好的工作。Some came back on schedule. Others overstayed, finding lucrative jobs.