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在这本书中我们试图代表动词的主要类别。In this book we have tried to typify the main classes of verbs.

最近的两辆车最能说明汽车前脸设计的现状。Two recent cars typify the current state of the art with car faces.

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卡片和握手的形象代表了信任,消除了银行总是想抓钱的看法。The card and a handshake typify trust and abolish views that the bank was out to seize money.

这个信托机构雇佣了一组美食专家去调查英国各地区的独特风味。The Trust employed a panel of taste experts to identify what flavours typify each region in the UK.

这种需要代表了在这部电影中我所要做的几乎每一个镜头中的设计目的。The need for this balance would typify my goal for almost every shot that I worked on in the films.

丰厚浓郁,充满深度与大地气息,正是印度尼西亚咖啡的珍贵之处。Assertive, full-bodied flavours with deep, earthy undertones typify the coffee treasures of indonesia.

相对来说,轻工业是南方的代表产业,它比较乏味但就没那么危险。By comparison, the light industries that typify southern China are tedious but less overtly hazardous.

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无论是哪种性别,代表着较高水平性的激素的脸总是被认为更迷人。For both sexes, faces that typify higher levels of sex-typical hormones are considered to be attractive.

犀鸟、椋鸟、秃鹫、金丝雀、蜂虎和伯劳是克鲁格常见鸟类中的典型品种。Hornbills, starlings, vultures, rollers, bee-eaters and shrikes typify the ubiquitous avifauna of the Kruger.

犀鸟、椋鸟、秃鹫、金丝雀、蜂虎和伯劳是克鲁格常见鸟类中的典型品种。Hornbills, starlings, vultures, rollers, beeeaters and shrikes typify the ubiquitous1 avifauna2 of the Kruger.

非呼吸者世界代表激进或者极端的调整修正,但是其它的类型也是包含在这个群组里。The worlds of the nonbreathers typify the radical or extreme adjustment, but other types are also included in this group.

每一位受奖者的选择是根据他们的个人成就,这体现了诺斯伍德大学的独特哲学体系。Each awardee is selected on the basis of personal achievements which typify the unique philosophy of Northwood University.

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他们是亡命之徒,因为他们的文化不尊重生命,自由和追求幸福的价值观。Such endeavors typify their nature, as their culture still does not value the principles of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

尽管这类方法可能代表大多数公司的文化,但是它较之最适宜相距甚远,并且您应当努力避免这种反模式。Although this kind of approach may typify large company cultures, it is far from optimum and you should strive to avoid this anti-pattern.

服务门户是此类模式的代表,它为多个服务提供单一联系点,并隐藏内部服务的细节。Service portals typify this pattern, providing a single point of contact for multiple services and hiding the details of internal services.

作家必须将语言典型化、艺术化,对丑的客体做出比较准确的审美评价。Literary workers should typify its language, make it artistic, as well as make aesthetic assessment on the ugly entity with comparative accuracy.

尽管工程师的活动各色各样,有某些个性特征和工作习惯成为大多数现代的成功工程师的典型特征。Although the activities of engineers are quite varied, there are some personality traits and work habits that typify most of today's successful engineers.

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莫意克精选系列体现了葡萄酒圆润柔顺的芬芳气息和各产区葡萄酒的独特个性,其品质与风格即是莫意克这个名字的同义词。Jean Pierre Moueix is a range created to typify the round, subtle perfumes and the characteristic of each appellation, and the quality and style synonymous with the Moueix name.

这似乎有悖常理,然而,这个农场的一切都与周围那些具有现代农业典型特点、整齐划一的玉米和大豆地截然不同。It seems counterintuitive, but then everything about this farm stands in stark contrast to the surrounding acres of neatly rowed corn and soybean fields that typify modern agriculture.

我看,这种领导落在运动后面的严重情况,很可能在全国许多领导机关中都找得出它的代表人物来。I think it very likely that there are people in many leading organizations all over the country who typify this serious state of affairs in which the leadership lags behind the movement.