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这就导致了好比过度自信的现象。This leads to phenomena like overconfidence.

医生是目空一切过于自信的人。Dr. A is the man with supercilious overconfidence.

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这也是促使投资者过度自信的一个因素This gives rise again to overconfidence among investors.

她见过太多的病人被医生的过度自信害死。She'd seen too many patients killed by a doctor's overconfidence.

自负可能是最常见的行为金融学概念。Overconfidence may be the most obvious behavioral finance concept.

心理学研究表明,很多人都会受到过度自信心理的影响。The psychologic research find that many people had been affect by Overconfidence.

对自己的模型和成果为现今的金融危机做出的贡献过分自信。Overconfidence in models and their output contributed to the current financial crisis.

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其实,人们之所以对“凯恩斯主义的拥护者”有如此执着的信心,主要有两个原因。Indeed, the persistent overconfidence of the "Keynesians" is remarkable for two reasons.

他们的过分自信不仅导致他们自己贫困,而且导致他们渔场也贫困。Their overconfidence leads them to impoverish not just themselves but also their fishing grounds.

小说采用的讽刺手法对学术界的自负进行了深刻的剖析。In the novel, Carol employed satiric skills to dissect the universal overconfidence in academic circles.

过度自信能预示着将有新一轮的房屋供给出炉,从而威胁房价.The overconfidence could portend an onslaught of new supply of homes for sale that would threaten prices.

群体的智慧是有价值的,但使用不当,它“可能造成对错误信念的过度自信。The wisdom of crowds is valuable, but used improperly it “creates overconfidence in possibly false beliefs.

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这种过分自信也发生在人们用邮件表达愤怒、悲伤、严肃和幽默的时候。This overconfidence was also seen when people tried to communicate anger, sadness, seriousness and humour in an email.

除了性方面,研究也表明金钱是睾酮和过度自信之间的联系。Studies about subjects other than sex — like money — have also reported a link between testosterone and overconfidence.

在佛罗里达竞争参议员席位的三人角逐中获胜的共和党人卢比奥警告本党人士,不要过于自信。Marco Rubio, who won a three-way race in Florida for a Senate seat, warned his fellow Republicans against overconfidence.

如果投资者在这方面更加努力一些,他们可能就更少的面对这些过度自信的连续企业家们。If more potential investors did this due diligence, they might face less exposure to the overconfidence of serial entrepreneurs.

汇率通常会对正在出现的不平衡提出警告,但过度自信和群体行为则削弱了这一信号。Exchange rates often provide useful warnings about emerging imbalances, but overconfidence and herd behaviour weakened the signal.

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巴博和奥丁总结道一个关键因素是---人们通常高估自己的能力去选择打赢市场的股票。Barber and Odean concluded that overconfidence was a key factor -- people overestimated their ability to pick market-trouncing stocks.

研究显示因为过度自信而导致超额交易,使散户彻底迷失市场。That's because overconfidence can lead to overtrading, which studies have shown leads to individual investors drastically underperforming the market.

防卫过当的罪过形式不仅包括间接故意、过于自信的过失和疏忽大意的过失,也不能排除直接故意。Forms of sin not only include indirect intention, fault resulted from overconfidence and fault caused by negligence, but also direct intention as well.