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你流鼻血吗?Do you have nosebleed?

经常的流鼻血是为什么啊?Often is shedding nosebleed why ah?

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治疗鼻出血有什么好方法?What good method does remedial nosebleed have?

鼻衄就是鼻孔流血的结果。A nosebleed is an issue of blood from the nose.

突然,莎拉突然停住了笑容,迈可的鼻子流血了。Suddenly, Sara stops short.Michael has a nosebleed.

经常流鼻血是什么原因,要怎么办?Often shedding nosebleed is what reason, how should do?

无故流鼻血是白血病的前兆吗?。Is nosebleed of without reason shedding is leukaemia augural ?

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月经来了呕血。流鼻血正常吗?Menstruation came haematemesis . It is normal to shed nosebleed?

最近老流鼻血。而且月经迟来。Often shed nosebleed recently. And menstruation comes behindhand.

为什么在后颈部放一块冷栓或者冰可以止住鼻血?Why can a cold key or ice on the back of your neck stop a nosebleed?

临床常以鼻塞流脓涕及鼻衄为主要症状。The main symptom was prsented as nasal obstruction pus snot and nosebleed.

方法总结32例老年顽固性鼻出血的护理体会。Methods Sum up the nursing experience of 32 Cases of aged and stubborn nosebleed.

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结论射频等非填塞法治疗鼻出血效果好,易于护理,病人痛苦。Conclusion The correct nurse is the important link to successful treated nosebleed.

我重重的摔倒在地,鼻血飞流直下,地面已被鲜血染红。I am the heavy fall in the ground, nosebleed Mashimo, the ground has been stained with blood.

目的探讨前颅窝骨折并发鼻出血的诊断和治疗。Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of anterior fossa fracture combined with nosebleed.

今天在新年零点的钟声敲响的时候,我却呆在洗手间里流着鼻血。FML。Today, as the clock struck twelve for the new year, I was in the bathroom having a nosebleed. FML.

根据中国日报的官方报道称,上个月在武汉,有一名老年人在市场中跌倒,由于流鼻血而导致窒息而亡。In Wuhan last month an elderly man who had fallen in a market died after he suffocated from a nosebleed.

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期间四季摸黑想要坐下,因为什么都看不到,所以被易奕绊倒,还留了鼻血。During the four seasons dark want to sit down, because what all cant see, so be Yi Yi tripping, also left a nosebleed.

他女儿发现了之后赶紧叫了救护车,但是这位老人仍然因为鼻血堵塞呼吸道而窒息去世。After his daughter found him and called an ambulance the old man died "because of a respiratory tract clogged by a nosebleed".

鼻衄是多种原因导致的鼻部出血,是一种常见现象,大多为良性和自限性。Epistaxis is a nosebleed that can result from various etiologies. This condition is rather common, often benign and self-limiting.