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这个曲子是即席作成的。The song was composed extempore.

这首歌是即兴创作的。The song was composed extempore.

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诗人曾经在这里留题了一首诗。A great poet once wrote an extempore poem here.

一位大诗人曾经在这里留题了一首诗。A great poet once wrote an extempore poem here.

这位著名的诗人常被邀请即席赋诗。The famous poet was often asked to compose a poem extempore.

一是画家即兴的绘画状态,使画面产生了“非完整”的效果。First is the extempore of the artist's creativity, make the "incompleteness" art work.

钢琴即兴伴奏教学是一个理论与实践结合的十分紧密的工作。The teaching of piano extempore accompaniment is the work in which theory and practice are closely jointed.

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在ROLAP中往往涉及到大量数据的复杂即席查询,从SQL角度看,这些查询通常都包含多表连接和分组聚集操作。ROLAP involves in complex extempore query on a mass of data. These queries include multi-table join and aggregation operation from SQL's point of view.

即兴伴奏能力培养的过程也是发挥、开掘、发展学生创造才能的过程。The cultivating process of the ability of extempore accompaniment is also the process of exerting, opening up and developing students' ability of creation.

胡仁·乌力格尔音乐主要是通过“口传心授”和“即兴编创”的方式来进行传承的,一般包括师徒关系、家庭关系、艺术教育等几种途径。Uliger s music is handed down mainly through oral teaching and extempore creation, making use of teacher -student relations, family relations and art education.

在现场观察中的瞬间发现、适时把握、现场发挥构成即兴采访的三步曲。The instant finding, seizing the opportunity in good time and fully playing on spot in the observation of the accident form the trilogy of the extempore interview.

口译的定义是“指用一种语言对于用另一种语言的口语表述当场进行复述”,而从事口译活动的人就被称为口译译员。Interpretation is defined as an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language. And people who do interpreting are called interpreters.