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你就等我的倌吧。You'll Be hearing from me.

我听不太清。I'm having trouble hearing.

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你在聆听谁人的声音?Whose voice are you hearing?

听闻超越记忆,空白一片!Hearing oblivion beyond memory!

听见阿谁动静,她就哭了。On hearing that, she cried out.

听证会的发起方对此表示赞同。Sponsors of the hearing agreed.

这位老人有点重听。The old man is hard of hearing.

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外界谁听见我恸哭?Is anybody out there hearing me?

但是,今天我们都听到了什么?Yet, today, what are we hearing?

多听长见识。Hearing much increases knowledge.

听见可怕的第一声闹铃。Hearing that dreaded first alarm.

幻听到声音是个警示的预兆。Hearing things is a warning sign.

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他的听觉已受到一定程度的损害。His hearing is somewhat impaired.

入声吕雷克医用助听器InSound Medical Lyric Hearing Aid

人们听而不闻。People hearing without listening.

放声的高歌,就像没人在倾听一样。Sing as if nobody is hearing you.

我说的话你听进一个字了吗?Are you hearing a word I'm saying?

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我的听解很好。I have good hearing comprehension.

我想我的耳朵都要震聋了。I thought I would lose my hearing.

她一听到这消息就立即离开了。On hearing the news, she made off.