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他进到里面试图要买筹码来玩黑杰克。He went inside and tried to buy chips to play blackjack.

这些可能足以令银行重回赌桌.That may be enough to send banks back to the blackjack table.

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桑克斯和斯沃博达在赌场玩21点时就互相认识。Shanks and Svoboda knew each other from the blackjack underground.

带一笔钱去拉斯维加斯玩一下二十一点和双骰子。Take a set amount of money and hit the Blackjack and Craps tables in Las Vegas.

您还会发现轮盘赌,二十一点,百家乐浮式和拉氏,等等。You'll also find Roulette , Blackjack , Baccarat Pontoon and Rummy, among others.

也不能解释为什么在玩21点时,他放弃了推理而依赖于直觉反而更加成功。Nor why he was more successful at blackjack when he abandoned method and relied on intuition.

“我正在努力找工作,但在经济危机的情况下,工作很难找,”她看着空荡荡的赌桌说道,“再说我只知道盘论赌,扑克和十二点,而其它的职业需要各种各样的工作经验。”I know all about roulette, poker and blackjack. But other jobs require different work experience.

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他把赢得的钱拿到牌桌上玩21点,在那里他赢了一百万美元。He takes his winnings and goes to the blackjack table and turns his modest winnings into a million dollars.

如果他们决定把钱砸向大宗商品市场的赌场,那是他们自己的决定。If they choose to plonk it down on to the blackjack table of the commodity markets, that is their decision.

课上我几乎不怎么听,我为自己的可编程计算器编写了21点扑克游戏。During classes, I mostly tuned out from the lectures and wrote a blackjack game for my programmable calculator.

此版本的黑杰克是发挥两个标准甲板52打牌是重组前每场比赛。This version of Blackjack is played with two standard decks of 52 playing cards that are shuffled before each game.

虽然剩下的骰子游戏玩法并未公之于众,二十一点和轮盘赌游戏就足够让人过瘾了。While the additional dice game hasn’t yet been shared, blackjack and roulette are more than enough to keep us entertained.

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詹姆士说他教了陈和其他交流生很多纸牌游戏,比如扑克和二十一点。Ging said he has taught Chen and some other exchange students how to play several card games, including poker and blackjack.

佩尔尼恰罗主任在大西洋的社区学院角区域商业中心和研究。Perniciaro director play blackjack with other people of the Center for Regional Business and Research at Atlantic Cape Community College.

如果在出牌前看见美女的照片,男人有性冲动,他们表现出更愿意冒险叫牌。The men were much more likely to take blackjack risks if they were sexually motivated and had seen images of beautiful women before they played.

我们想像自己的球队会在那场关键的比赛中获胜,盼着在城里享受一个愉快的夜晚,或是想像在21点牌桌上连赢几把。We imagine our team winning the crucial game, look forward to an enjoyable night on the town or picture a winning streak at the blackjack table.

也有不同的纸牌游戏,你肯定是最熟悉的,如高新技术和下限百家乐,二十一点等多手游戏。There are also different card games that you are most definitely familiar with such as Hi and low limit Baccarat , Blackjack and other multi-hand games.

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周末时候去拉斯维加斯玩二十一点,或者到位于纽约的皮特鲁格牛排餐厅是难得的奢侈。然而由于他并不习惯吃丰盛的食物,他往往都会呕吐。A rare splurge was to go to Vegas to play blackjack for a weekend, or to Peter Luger's steakhouse in New York, which more often than not left him queasy because he wasn't used to such rich food.