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简洁地讲述一个故事是需要花功夫的。It takes work to tell a story succinctly.

你只需要简洁地表达出你的意思。You just kind of say what you mean but you say it succinctly.

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亚里士多德简洁地陈述了他的理由,也许太过简洁。Aristotle states his reasons succinctly, maybe too succinctly.

代码在大多数情况下看起来也都大同小异,唯一的,只是更简洁了。The code even looks similar in many cases, just stated more succinctly.

换句话说,您需要简洁地描述应用程序完成的工作。In other words, you need to succinctly state what your application does.

此民谣也简练地道出了四季洗脚的益处。This balladry spoke the four seasons succinctly also to wash crural benefit.

孔子曾简洁地以一句“过犹不及”来概括中庸之道。Confucius has said succinctly with a "too far" to be summarized middle ground.

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简洁地说,它是一种观念,那就是物理定律到处都是适用的。Succinctly put, it is the notion that the laws of physics are the same everywhere.

申博士已经非常清楚简洁地指出了这一区域的首要重点。Dr Shin has articulated the top priority for this region very clearly and succinctly.

第二部分扼要介绍了基督教经办的教育事业和书报事业。The second part succinctly introduces the culture and education cause run by Christianity.

我觉得这些话简洁地总结了我想如何活着以及什么最能激励我。I think it does a job of succinctly summing up how I wish to live and what inspires me most.

如果他们有良好的交际能力,他们便能条理分明、简明扼要地做到这一点。If they do have good communication skills, they will be able to do this logically and succinctly.

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你需要把你的意见,表达得简洁有效,总统总会听取别人的意见,包括我。You need to make your case succinctly and effectively, but you always get a hearing including me.

姜苏唯至今还清楚地记得自己在选拔委员们面前结结巴巴试图简洁表达自己的情景。Ms Jiang vividly recalls her own stumbling attempts to express herself succinctly before selection boards.

不用WINPCAP自己地安装程序,怎么样可以最简洁地把WINPCAP安装程序放到自己地代码中?Installation procedures do not WINPCAP own, how can most succinctly put into their places WINPCAP installer code?

老人那双久经沧桑祷告中的手,更被艺术家用简练但精准的刀法表现出来。The artist succinctly and accurately expressed the hands of the old man who experienced many vicissitudes of life.

错误消息要明确而简洁地解释出错原因、改正方法,不要留给用户去猜测。The error message clearly and succinctly explains what went wrong, how to fix it, and not leave the user guessing.

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雪伏龙简明的描述了公司的目标、关键的利益相关者和管理层如何进行管理。The Chevron way outlines succinctly the company's objectives, the key stakeholders and how management will monitor progress.

他们的空间项目的整体目标将是“寻找新生命,”柯克,电视台的台长在45年前就很简洁的说。Their space program’s overarching goal would be to “seek out new life, ” as TV’s Captain Kirk so succinctly put it 45 years ago.

本书没有详细讨论所有问题,而是尽量简明地陈述法律,以方面查阅。It is not intended to be a detailed treatise, but rather a ready-reference in which the law is set out as succinctly as possible.