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唯美的开始,两败俱伤的结局。The beginning of aestheticism, internecine ending.

那个曾经,似乎惨不忍睹,最终两败俱伤。The once, seem to be miserable, eventually internecine.

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这次内部冲突,是由于食物匮乏而引致的。The internecine strife was caused by a shortage of food.

于是,一场在所难免的火拼开始了。Therefore, is unavoidable the internecine strife started.

没人期待自相残杀的妈妈们战斗中选择离场。No one expects us to choose sides in internecine mommy battles.

一段可怕的内战时期和自相残杀的时期似乎接踵而至。A grisly period of internecine war and cannibalism seems to have followed.

唐朝灭亡不久,南昭国因内乱也开始崩溃瓦解。Nanzhao itself collapsed from internecine warfare shortly after the Tang Dynasty fell.

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内讧中巴尔德斯和贝尔特兰*莱瓦的兄弟,海克特竞争。The internecine struggle had pitted Mr. Valdez against Mr. Beltrán Leyva’s brother, Hector.

不久,乔什和维多利亚正在途中他们的自相残杀的战争和灾难的形式。Soon Josh and Victoria are on their way to their own form of internecine warfare and disaster.

对美国同性恋主教晋级的决定引发了最新一轮的痛苦内讧,而他本人也没有被邀请到Lambeth。The gay American bishop whose promotion launched the latest round of internecine bitterness was not invited to Lambeth.

掐住对手痛脚的双方,口水战的结果似乎只能是两败俱伤。Clutch lives the both sides of adversary painful foot, the result of saliva battle can be internecine only it seems that.

如不分科,就会造成了语言教育和文学教育互相掣肘、两败俱伤的局面。It may lead to an internecine situation if Chinese language teaching and literature teaching were interblend into one subject.

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卡尔加是一个骄傲自豪的人,这使他在帝国内部政治中树立了很多敌人。Calgar is a proud man, a trait that has earned him more than a fair share of enemies within the Imperium's internecine politics.

加上后天运行失范,其力图实现效率的愿望也化为泡影,造成了公正和效率的两败俱伤。In addition to the illegal practice, realizing efficiency became a visionary hope. This made justice and efficiency internecine.

尖锐的劳资矛盾冲突、大规模的罢工、闭厂,使得劳资双方两败俱伤。The strike with acerb contradictory conflict massive labour and capital shut out make both sides of labour and capital internecine.

这个故事摘自去年的头版头条,当时酒引发了农民与政府的自相残杀。The story could have been taken from last year's headlines when ethanol sparked an internecine war in both the Corn Belt and the Beltway.

而最终火拼后的胜利者就可以成为麦城城主,从而享受麦城带来的一些优惠。But after the final internecine strife's victor may become Mai Chengcheng the host, thus enjoys some preferential benefits which the wheat city brings.

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整个国家陷入内战状态之后,大名往往拥有小而巩固的领地,领地内所有土地都属于他们自己或他们的家臣。As the country descended into internecine war, daimyo tended to hold small but consolidated domains in which all the land belonged to themselves or their vassals.

过早分开,雷军拿不到什么,又伤害金山,导致两败俱伤,这也是矛盾一直没有爆发的原因。Premature departure, what doesn't Lei Jun take, harm golden hill again, bring about internecine , this also is the reason that contradiction did not erupt all the time.

他们的活动使这一切很快进入了理论的、吹毛求疵的关于政治上正确的方式的讨论之中。最后则以不同游说团两败俱伤的不和而收场。Their activities turn all too quickly into a theoretical, nit-picking discussion about politically correct language, complete with internecine feuds between different lobbies.