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食草男是时髦的都市美男,厌恶武术。Herbivore man is a dandy metrosexual with an abhorrence of martial arts.

相对地,食草动物的肉闻起来要好些,更易食用。The meat of the herbivore is, in comparison, far more edible , smellwise.

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大熊猫被归为食肉动物,但它们饮食更像食草动物。Panda's are classified as carnivores but they mainly have a diet of an herbivore.

植物诱导抗虫基因的研究将为害虫防治提供新的途径。The study of induced herbivore -resistant genes will provide new ways to control insect pests.

萜烯类化合物是针叶树防御昆虫为害的重要组分。Terpenes are very important components for defense response against herbivore attacks in conifers.

一种纯粹的食草动物可以和杂食性动物共存的重要原因即是,他们赖以为生的食物是截然不同的。A total herbivore is able to coexist with an omnivore because they have significantly different diets.

综述植物次生合物防卫植食性哺乳动物觅食的研究进展。The research progress in the chemical defense of plant to mammalian herbivore was reviewed in this paper.

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植物表面蜡质的物理结构和数量能够影响植食性昆虫的附着和移动。The physical structure and amount of plant surface wax can effect insect herbivore attachment and locomotion.

东京原宿附近的许多人都与“食草族男人”熟识并对他们有着自己的看法。Many people in Tokyo's Harajuku neighborhood were familiar with "herbivore men" -- and had opinions about them.

植食动物强大压力的一些事例可以帮助我们对选择过程的简略性有所了解。Some examples of heavy herbivore pressure may help appreciation of the possible brevity of the selection process.

介绍了道县草食动物养殖资源状况,对草食动物养殖潜力进行综合分析。The resources of herbivore breeding was introduced and the potential breeding in Dao County was analyzed comprehensively.

霸王龙不太可能是草食动物,但是这个蜥蜴之王到底吃那种动物却是个更难解的谜。T. rex was unlikely to have been a herbivore . But which animals the tyrant lizard actually ate is a far harder nut to crack.

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可能你会说我是素食者,但科学家称我为草食动物,因为我只吃叶子、草和其它植物。You probably would call me a vegetarian. But scientists call me a herbivore because I only eat leaves, grass and other plants.

目前还不知道这是何种类型食草恐龙的化石,但是,科学家们分析估计,这头恐龙生前应该有35米长,体重在10吨左右。It was not clear what type of herbivore it was but scientists estimated it could have been up to 35 metres long and weighing 10 tonnes.

通常,“食草族男人”的年龄分布在20岁到30岁之间,并且认为男人和女人之间可以存在无性的友谊,Fukasawa说。Typically, "herbivore men" are in their 20s and 30s, and believe that friendship without sex can exist between men and women, Fukasawa said.

己二酸二甲酯、丁二酸二异丁酯、苯骈噻唑在以前的昆虫-草本植物系统中未见报道。To authors' knowledge, dimethyl adipate, diisobutyl succinate and benthothiazole have never been reported in previous herbivore insect-plant systems.

虫害诱导的挥发性物质在调节植物-害虫-天敌三营养关系中具有重要的作用。Herbivore-induced plant volatiles play a vital role in mediating tri-trophic interactions among host plants, herbivores and herbivore natural enemies.

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虫害诱导的植物挥发物的特征和功能是植物—植食性昆虫—天敌之间长期进化的结果。The characteristics and functions of herbivory insect induced plant volatiles are results of the co evolution among plant, herbivore and natural enemy.

这个恐龙估计有20-25英尺长,4-6吨重,是一只长颈的草食动物,与植树嚼腕龙很相似。This dinosaur is estimated to have been 20-25-feet long, weighing 4-6 tons, and was a long-necked herbivore , similar to the tree-chewing Brachiosaurus.

模型由环境、植物主体、草食动物主体、肉食动物主体以及主体之间、主体和环境之间的行为交互规则组成。The model consists of environment, grass agents, herbivore agents, carnivore agents and interaction rules among agents or between agents and environment.