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什么是政治动员呢?。What does political mobilization mean?

这要动员受影响的各个社区。This requires mobilization of affected communities.

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最大的变化时从和平时期进入动乱。The biggest change was from peacetime to mobilization.

患部及全身早期安全的功能锻练。Early and safe mobilization of the part and the patient.

经过动员,群众普遍地动起来了。After the mobilization meetings, the masses all got moving.

加强国防动员和后备力量建设。We will strengthen defense mobilization and reserve forces.

加强国防动员和后备力量建设。We will strengthen our national defense mobilization and reserve forces.

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行动动员既是因变量又是自变量。Mobilization for action is passive variable as well as indepent variable.

但是假定你有一个规划,筹措将要花费四个星期。But suppose you have a program for which mobilization will take four weeks.

萨罗和弗朗丹有种实行全国总动员的冲动。Sarraut and Flandin had the impulse to act at once by general mobilization.

因此,对动员机制的探求也有助于我们对归巢的了解。Therefore, It is necessary to explore the mechanism of stem cell mobilization.

增加传播和社会动员会使结果更好吗?Would adding communication and social mobilization help produce better outcomes?

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他很重视对普通人的政治动员,尤其是农民。He emphasized political mobilization of the common man, especially the peasantry.

为了有效进行战争动员,所尝试的各种手段接连告败。One failed agency after another attempted to bring order to the mobilization effort.

参赛表格提供的索诺玛县博览会,将包括详细填写。The entry forms from the gallery of Sonoma County, and will include the mobilization.

这是个阴谋,这些混蛋,是菲律宾咄咄逼人的军事动员。It's the Beltway, Earth's asshole, obtruding military mobilization in the Philippines.

反马告团体与部落的互动关系与动员网络如何运作?How does the relationship of counterforce association and mobilization network operate?

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12月2日,全市城市总体规划修改动员大会召开。December 2, the city's overall urban planning to modify the mobilization of the session.

北京学生组织演讲队,开展大规模的宣传活动。The students of Beijing formed groups of speakers and carried out extensive mobilization.

1938年,任铜陵县动员委员会组织部长。In 1938, he was appointed Minister of Tongling County Mobilization Committee Organization.