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他认为我松松垮垮。He thinks I'm too easygoing.

我随兴但也实际。I am easygoing but pragmatic.

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他们都觉得很谈得来。They all feel very easygoing.

老盖茨的母亲对孩子比较溺爱,为人非常随和。His mother was doting and easygoing.

相比之下,他的兄弟比较好相处.By contrast , his brother is quite easygoing.

他是一个有着温和观点性情随和的人。Hewas an easygoing man of very moderate views.

她再也不像以前那样温柔,随和,好说话了。No longer was she so gentle, so relaxed and easygoing.

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汤姆是那种随和的人,跟谁都合得来。Tom is an easygoing type of person who gets along well with everyone.

她是个成功的广告主管,非常聪明但又平易近人。She was a successful advertising executive, highly intelligent yet easygoing.

他直接跟着我走到我的办公室,约我去吃饭,我们特别谈得来。He directly the follow me to my office, about me to dinner, we especially easygoing.

本人性格文静、随和、善体人意。兴趣音乐、文学、艺术。渴望真爱与家的温馨。I am a fine sincere and easygoing lady, Music, literature and travelling is my hobby.

就像她在喜剧里表演的很多角色一样,德鲁平易近人,经常笑口常开。Like many of the characters she plays in her comedy, Drew is easygoing and laughs a lot.

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你会喜欢南方的,那里一切都令人感到轻松,安逸,风景优美。You would like the South. Everthing is relaxed and easygoing . The scenery is beautiful.

由于良好的,因为它得到了类似的剧中人,除了随和的人是同性恋。As Good as It Gets had a similar dramatis personae, except that the easygoing guy was gay.

我要为理想而奋斗!我的理想就是懒懒散散的生活,每天都可以睡懒觉。I want to fight for my ideal! My ideal have a easygoing life, i can be a slugabed everyday.

上了大学,我知道自己必须要改变,要变得宽容,大方。In college, I must change, I must become more generous, optimistic, outgoing and easygoing.

如果今年央行采取较为宽松的做法,那么商业银行的可放贷资金将会增加。If they take a more easygoing approach this year, the commercial banks will have more money to lend.

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很奇怪,即使是最从容不迫的女人当他们开始这一过程的时候也会变得嗡嗡乱叫,神经紧张。It’s amazing how the most easygoing women turn into buzzing balls of nerves when they begin the process.

假期结束后,凯碧转学到东高中,随和的个性让她很快融入到新生活。After the holidays, Kaibi transferred to East High School, easygoing personality she soon into the new life.

可爱的人会以一种温心而又随和的公众形象出现,他们身上散发出来的光芒像是在说,“我很乐意与你建立联系。Likable people expose a warm, easygoing public face with an outgoing radiance that states, "I am ready to connect.