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要奶精还是糖?。Cream or sugar?

噢,这个乳霜?Oh, this cream?

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需要奶精和糖吗?Cream and Sugar?

你需要用护手霜。You need hand cream.

它仍然是冰淇凌。It's still ice cream.

要奶精和糖吗?。With cream and sugar?

我买了防晒霜。I ve bought sun cream.

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擦上乳膏后揉匀。Rub the cream in well.

那种奶油搅拌不成糊状。That cream won't beat.

这简直是奶油片。This is cream on cream.

奶油蛋糕是奢侈品。Cream cakes are a luxury.

霜的颜色有点泛白。Cream is a whitish color.

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请问您是否使用剃须膏呢?Do you use shaving cream?

黄油是用奶酥制的。Butter is made from cream.

苏三喜欢冰淇淋吗?Does Susan like ice cream?

蜡的洁面霜。Wax-based cleansing cream.

什么,是的,有鲜奶油的Pardon me? With whip cream.

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您要加糖或奶精吗?Do you take sugar and cream?

你要涂些发膏吗?Do you want some hair cream?

我喜欢香蕉和冰淇淋。I like bananas____ice cream.