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浸到糊状物里。Dip into the batter.

打击手打中球了。The batter hit the ball.

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击球手放过这个投球没打。The batter took the pitch.

咱们把这门砸掉吧。Let's batter the door down.

他向击球员猛掷一个球。He fired a ball at a batter.

那记暴投打中击球手。The wild pitch hit the batter.

那儿有荞麦饼和印地安饼糊。Dar's buckwheat cakes an' Injun batter.

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加入蛋白,搅拌成糊。Add in egg white, beat until forms batter.

上面再盖以碎核桃仁。Top batter with remaining chopped walnuts.

右撇子击球手把球打到左外野。The batter blasted the ball to right field.

猛击我的心吧,-三位一体之主。Batter my heart, three-person'd God, for you.

你甚至可以不用面糊做出波纹蛋糕。You can even make cupcakes out of the batter.

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加些调味盐进面糊饼里。Add some seasoning salt to the pancake batter.

这是否意味着你再也没有0.300那么好了?Does that mean you are no longer a . 300 batter?

她将鸡肉片涂上用面粉和鸡蛋调制的面糊后再下油锅炸熟。She fried the chicken in a flour and egg batter.

贝蒂敲打一小块黄油要做一块更好的奶油面。Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.

把天妇罗粉浆的材料一同拌匀。Mix all the ingredients of tempura batter together.

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把搅拌物倒入模具,放入烤箱烤6-7分钟。Pour batter into molds and bake for 6 to 7 minutes.

投手卯足了劲,向着击球手奋力掷球。The pitcher wound up and flang the ball at the batter.

击球手击出一支左外野平飞球。The batter hit a line drive to left field for a single.