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矫正视力是什么意思?What meaning is correctional eyesight?

什么是科学的矫正视力?What is scientific correctional eyesight?

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青少年得了假性近视怎样矫正?Did adolescent get pseudomyopia how correctional?

罪犯被送到教养院。The offender was sent to a correctional facility.

在沈阳牙齿矫正要多少钱啊?。In Shenyang tooth correctional how many money to want?

和我讨论关于矫正孩子的牙齿?谢谢。Discuss the tooth about correctional child with me? Thank.

我特此宣判你在感化院呆一年。I hereby sentence you one year at a correctional facility.

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珍视明有矫正视力的功能吗?。Cherish bright is there the function of correctional eyesight?

眼镜戴多了,眼球有点凸出,那应该怎么矫正呢?Glasses Dai Duo , eyeball is a bit bulgy, how is that correctional?

后来在一家少年管教所担任心理医生。He later found work as a psychologist at a youth correctional facility.

因此,我让她把那三个单词记在改错本上。So I asked her to write down those three words in her correctional notebook.

贝利克冷漠地“接待”了迈克尔。Michael is coldly greeted by the head correctional officer captain brad bellick.

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1985年,一群犯人策划谋杀了监狱惩教官。In 1985, a group of inmates planned the murder of a San Quentin correctional officer.

事实是一些囚犯能比做改正的官员跑较好的感化院。The fact is that some convicts can run better reformatories than do correctional officers.

这方程包括改进了的平均场作用,井在二体碰撞中考虑了多粒子的关联效应。It is an improved BUU equation including the correctional binary collisions with manybody effects.

工读学校学生比普通学校学生表现出更多的攻击行为。The students in work-study correctional schools had more aggression than those in regular schools.

在其内部,一个狱警大声喊叫着要求囚犯们守秩序,新囚犯们无精打采地排队接受监狱的“欢迎程序”。Inside, a correctional officer barks out orders as new inmates walk through their welcoming process.

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带有“美国感化院”或者“惩戒中心”等字样的回信地址会彻底出卖寄信人的身份。A return address with words like "United States Penitentiary" or "correctional center" is a dead giveaway.

一旦手机进入到监狱里面,我们的惩教人员很难抓住他们。Once phones are within the system they are incredibly hard for the correctional officers to get a hold of.

工读教育是具有中国特色的社会主义教育体系的一个组成部分。The Correctional Education with Chinese characteristics is an integral part of socialist education system.