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可能是一个诱敌机场。Perhaps a decoy?

这只是个该死的诱饵。This is just a motherfucking decoy.

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956型驱逐舰发射诱骗箔条。Project 956 destroyer launching decoy chaffs.

这些女孩比其他大多数孩子们更容易被诱骗。The girls decoy more easily than most other children.

狗娃诱骗过油肉,保安团里有大洋。Gowardesh decoy through oil meat, security group had oceans.

想找一种不起眼的诱饵帮你摆脱那些警卫么?Looking for an inconspicuous decoy to get you past the patrol?

该系统将目标定位于声诱饵诱骗鱼雷的对抗阶段。The system focuses on the counterwork stage between decoy and torpedo.

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红外烟火剂是红外干扰弹的重要组成部分。IR pyrotechnic materials are the important components of IR decoy flare.

陈晓贝发现自己陷入一个精心设计的圈套。Chen Xiaobei discovers he is immersed in the decoy of an elaborate design.

杰克意识到,进入科索沃被炸毁的那座建筑物中的是个维克多派去的替身。Jack realizes that Victor sent a decoy into the blown up building in Kosovo.

红外诱饵弹是对抗红外制导导弹的一种有效措施。The IR decoy is a effective measure to counterwork the missile guided by IR.

其次,政府有时以补助做为收编反对势力的诱饵。Second, it is utilized, at times, as a decoy for incorporating the opposition.

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一旦发现目标,犬或者是紧紧扑咬住助训员,或者是大声地热切吠叫。Once found, the dog should either engage the decoy or bark with great enthusiasm.

谁来命令勒布朗这个联盟最有钱的球员积极冲抢进攻篮板呢?Who will tell him to go be the league’s richest decoy and crash the offensive boards?

诱饵,囵子用来捕捉动物的诱饵,尤指用来捕捉鱼的人造诱饵。A decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish.

“烈火111”携带2500公斤的弹头,包括重500公斤的诱惑导弹射程还可达到4500公�。Agni 111 can go 4500 Km carrying a war head 2500 Kg including decoy , which is 500 Kg.

震撼者也能调动一个诱饵信号弹,它能分散敌军目标电脑的注意力。The Shocker can also deploy a Decoy Flare that can distract enemy targeting computers.

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助训员必须吸引犬的注意力,一旦犬警觉,立即袭击训导员。The decoy must attract attention to him and when the dog is alert, attack the handler.

那只狗攻击了在河里游泳的一群孩子后,尼克作诱饵要将其捉住。Nick acted as a decoy after the dog attacked a group of children swimming in the river.

只要犬一表现出强烈的战斗欲,助训员应当马上逃跑。Immediately after the dog begins to show a strong desire to fight, the decoy should flee.