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让我们使它成真,嚯!Let us make it so, HO !

什么是“工合”教育?。What is Gung Ho Education?

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福特六和汽车。Ford Lio Ho Motor Co. , Ltd.

哈,哈,树呀,水呀,山呀。Ho Ho, Trees, lakes, mountain.

但是g.ho.st有上升的潜力。But has some potential.

那些孩子觉得你的大衣怎么样?Ho. did the kids like your coat?

他到当地的一家医院求诊。He checked into his local ho ital.

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胡志明博物馆的正门口。Ho Chi Minh Museum. Main entrance.

同发号建筑材料有限公司。Tung Fat Ho Building Material Ltd.

何应钦将军去了美国。General Ho went to the United States.

有一天,我正前往马耳他一间具规模的宾馆。One a day ima gonna Malta to bigga ho.

老师我不知道,但是我喜欢踢足球。I don't know but I like football, Mr Ho.

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妈妈我不再害怕当你和我在一起。Mamma non ho più paura quando sei con me.

这个医院过去就在现在学校所在的地方。The ho ital lay where a school is located.

在医院里有很多有趣的工作。There're lots of interesting jo in ho itals.

后羿忙射日,嫦娥偷奔月。When Ho busy firing, stealing Goose herself.

她是个很有活力的女孩,充满著经力和想法!She's a gung ho gal, full of energy and ideas!

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第五章整理何组所见气象卜辞。Chapter five sysemizes Ho Group Weather Oracle.

何丽明,出生及居于香港。Tammy Ho Lai-ming is Hong Kong-born and –based.

他们被分配到后卫何守了15个月。They are assigned to guard Soo Ho for 15 months.