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漏失类型主要为渗漏和有进无出的大漏。The main leakage losses are percolation and big leakage.

这相当于干化机理的渗滤阶段。This corresponds to the percolation phase of the drying mechanism.

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这种流动正是社会和经济转换的健康体现。Such percolation is a healthy sign of social and economic mobility.

污水坑使用水和重力的重量,以帮助土的自然渗透。Sumps use the weight of water and gravity to help soil's natural percolation.

形成渗滤效应之后,导电功能的均匀性较好。The uniformity of conductive function was better once the percolation phenomena occurred.

红台地区属低渗、特低渗储层,具有很强的非均质性。Hongtai district belongs to low and super low percolation reservoir that is high heterogeneity.

同时对复合陶瓷材料的导电特性用渗漏模型作了解释。The conducting property of this composite ceramic material was explained with percolation model.

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焙烧球料的机械强度也能满足渗滤浸出操作要求。The mechanical strength of calcined briquet can meet the needs of percolation leaching operation.

根据阿尔奇公式的分析结果同逾渗理论结果一致。The results achieved by using the Archie formula and the percolation theory are in good accordance.

利用微观力学和逾渗理论预测了沥青混合料的粘弹性能。Micromechanics and Percolation theory were employed to predict the asphalt mixtures' viscoelasticity.

结合二次渗滤现象,分析了其对屏蔽性能的影响。The influence of double percolation phenomenon on shielding effectiveness of rubber was investigated.

利用渗滤理论,经一系列计算可得到阿司匹林的渗滤阈。The percolation threshold of aspirin was obtained after a series of calculations using percolation theory.

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考虑一个含有变系数的一维分数阶渗透方程。In this paper, an one-dimensional fractional percolation equation with variable coefficients is considered.

发生渗流效应时,复合材料的介电损耗低于0.4,与频率无关。For the percolation composite, the dielectric loss value is always less than 0.4, irrespective of the frequency.

纯化方法有有机溶剂萃取、色谱和树脂吸附。At present, the commonly used extraction technology includes decoction, circumfluence, maceration and percolation.

发生渗流效应时,复合材料的介电损耗低于0.4,与频率无关。For the percolation composite, the dielectric loss value was always less than 0. 4, irrespective of the frequency.

以渗滤网络作为多孔介质的理论模型,建立了分形多孔介质中扩散和弥散过程的离散模型。This paper presents the percolation models for the diffusion process of porous medium in the fractal porous medium.

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文章从渗流力学基本理论出发,建立了低渗透气藏压裂井三项式产能方程。It is set up trinomial equation for fractured well on low-permeability gas reservoirs based on percolation mechanics.

石板间生长着茂密的草,这种透水式铺装将自然领域更加扩大化。Stone slabs with grass gaps extend the porch area into the landscape and facilitate water percolation within paved areas.

进入洞室中的渗漏率随着引入系统中入渗量的增加而增大。The seepage rate into the underground openings increases with an increase in percolation flux introduced into the system.