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我们的构想是一个不用现金的非洲。Our vision is a cashless Africa.

一个没钱的人很快穿过留洋探索。A cashless man goes fast over the market.

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我决心过一年身无分文的日子。I committed to a year of cashless living.

方便的现金交易的服务。Convenient cashless transactions on the move.

这种不用现金的保险方案非常有用。This cashless insurance scheme is a big help.

对某些人来说,无现金的社会早已经成为现实了。Already, the cashless society is real for some.

美国正在快速成为一个无现金的社会。The United States is fast becoming a cashless society.

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Visa的老板预测说,这个世界将越来越不需要现金。The world is rapidly becoming cashless reckons Visa's boss in Europe.

虽然我们已经高谈无现金社会很久了。Though people have talked for a long time about the cashless society.

这将是一次在美元泛滥的土地上身无分文的旅行。It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar.

那将是一次身无分文的在美元至上的土地上的旅行。It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar.

但是高强花园式的经济距离完全无现金社会还很远。But walled-garden economies are a long way from a fully cashless society.

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对我们大多数来说,“无现金社会”不在远处——它已经在眼前了。For many of us the" cashless society" is not on the horizon—it's already here.

在国际舞台上,许多国家正疾步踏入无现金社会。On the international stage, many countries are moving at fast pace into the cashless society.

我有一个客户端谁的尝试创建一个企业环境中无现金自动贩卖机。I've got a client who's trying to create a cashless vending machine for a corporate environment.

纽约城最近为它大约五万八千个公用电话亭中的一部分引进了无现金电话卡。New York City recently introduced a cashless phone card for a few of its 58,000 public phone booths.

在其周日的月发布会上莫迪更进一步表明了其野心——致力于打造一个无现金的社会。In his monthly address on Sunday, Modi took his ambitions further with a call for a cashless society.

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使用支票和信用卡,美国人可以不用现金,但是却不能毫无节制。With checks and credit cards, Americans can be cashless , but they still can't afford to be careless.

它是否成为现实,或没有,这是完全可能的生活几乎无现金在我们目前的社会!Whether it becomes a reality or not, it's quite possible to live almost cashless in our current society!

莫迪说,禁令能减少逃税和洗钱,还将让印度走向零现金社会。Modi has said the note ban, aside from reducing tax evasion and money laundering, will help India move towards a cashless society.