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她满身烟尘。She is begrimed with smoke.

他的手沾满了灰尘。His hands were begrimed with dust.

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他的被和污物弄脏。His hands were begrimed with and dirt.

他满手油污。His hands were begrimed with oil and dirt.

他的手被油和污物弄脏。His hands were begrimed with oil and dirt.

他的衣服被油污弄脏了。His clothes are begrimed with oil and dirt.

贪污造成该政府的政治腐败。Graft has begrimed the government's politics.

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满是垃圾的街道破坏了城市形象,吓跑了游客。Dust- begrimed streets damage a city's image and scare away tourists.

她的名誉本来是像狄安娜的容颜一样皎洁的,现在已经染上污垢,像我自己的脸一样黝黑了。Her name, that was as fresh As Dian's visage, is now begrimed and black As mine own face.

这是周六晚上,老板心不甘情不愿地把脏兮兮的十二美元放到他手上。It was Saturday night, and the boss laid twelve begrimed and begrudged dollars in his hand.

邪恶污秽的东西存在于自身,是怨恨集结的原因。The reason of concentration of malice lies in that there are evil and begrimed things in itself.