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但是笨笨不害怕小袋鼠。"What is a heffalump?" asks Roo.

小袋鼠捉住了一只长鼻怪。But Roo wants to find a heffalump.

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正在那个时候袋鼠妈妈和小豆走了过来。Just then Kanga and Roo came along.

在Roo框架中使用AOP背后的理由是什么?What was the rationale behind using AOP in Roo framework?

在新特性方面,ROO项目未来的路线图是怎样的?What is the future road map of ROO project in terms of new features?

这是一个美好的夏日早晨,但是小袋鼠却正在闹脾气,而且他自己也不知道这是为什么。It was a lovely summer morning, but Roo was feeling grumpy and he didn't know why.

对Roo产生的所有部件,你都可以用自己选择的编辑器、IDE或其他工具来编写代码。For all parts of Roo you can write code in your choice of text editor, IDE or other tool.

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猫头鹰和瑞比惊讶地看着小豆跑向花朵,摘起它,给了袋鼠妈妈。Owl and Rabbit watched in astonishment as Roo ran over to the flower, picked it up and gave it Kanga.

金州在构建安全、环保社会方面取得了可喜成绩。Quintana Roo State has achieved remarkable results in building a secure and environment-friendly society.

我知道Skyway正增加一些脚本,支持其基于Roo语法的工具。I am aware that Skyway are working on adding some scripting support to their tool based on the Roo syntax.

现在开发者可以单独安装Roo,然后将其配置到STS中而无需将二者打包在一起。The developers can now configure an external Roo installation to be used inside STS instead of the bundled one.

它还不鼓励使用任何特定IDE的技术,这可能比Roo附加组件需要更复杂的开发和部署过程。It also discouraged using any IDE-specific techniques, which tend to require more complex development and deployment than do Roo add-ons.

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不太年轻,参加这样一个危险的远征,小袋鼠选择搜索自己的——比他的朋友更成功。Disregarded as too young to partake in such a dangerous expedition, little Roo opts to search on his own--with far greater success than his friends.

胖胖和小豆出神地凝望着夜空中的点点繁星,看着看着,突然发现天空中出现了一幅巨大的点点画。Lumpy and Roo gazed at the stars. suddenly they saw a giant dnt-to-dnt picture of themselves playing. "That's me! '" Me there! " giggled Roo and Lumpy.

冈萨雷斯还说,这些在金塔纳罗奥州洞穴发现的骸骨,将迫使科学家重新思考之前对于美洲最初人口组成的推断结果。The skeletons found in the Quintana Roo caves could force scientists to rethink their ideas about the initial population of the Americas, Gonzalez said.

而且,你猜怎样.即使最初我总是对小鲁想要活动放松一下而不断的纠缠我的行为颇感厌烦,可我总能在与小鲁活动,放松之后感到头脑清楚,更有活力.And you know what? Even though I’m initially annoyed when Roo tells me it’s time to take a play break, I always feel refreshed and rejuvenated afterward.

对狼毒大戟根的水、甲醇、醋酸乙酯、氯仿、石油醚5种提取物进行了结核杆菌的体外抑菌试验。This paper presents the experimental results of the inhibitory effects against tuberculous bacillus of 5 extracts of the roo ts of Euphorbia fischeriana.

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对于有兴趣使用ROO框架的开发者,值得推荐的最佳实践及“问题”是什么?What are the recommended best practices and "gotchas" for Java developers who are interested in using ROO framework as part of their software development process?

如果你选择以后自己提供这些组件中的一部分,Roo也能检测到这一点并透明地删除其自动提供的那部分内容。If you elect to later on provide some part of some of those components yourself, Roo again detects this and transparently removes its automatically-provided portions.

我们的竞选并非酝酿于华盛顿的会议大厅,而是始于德梅因的后花园和康柯德的私家客厅,以及查理斯顿的前门廊。Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living roo ms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.