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改革旧有体制成为当务之急。The top priority is to reform the timeworn system.

即便在昏暗的光线下,那台设备也显得陈旧不堪。Even in the dim light the equipment looked old and timeworn.

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完全使用中国的元素会很古板,完全使用欧式的元素会很繁复。It would be timeworn if I only use Chinese element and it would be involute if I only use Europe element.

在这十年里,我从来没有听说过有人——除了那些娱乐业的高管们——使用这个老旧的名称。In all that time, I've never heard anyone – apart from an entertainment executive – use that timeworn cliche.

现在大学生都知识都非常的渴求,面对日益陈旧的书,很容易让人提不起学习的兴趣。Now students knowledge are, facing the increasingly timeworn book, easy to let a person doesn't interest of study.

同时多吃水果和蔬菜。And eat your fruits and vegetables, ” professor David Neiman at Appalachian State University, US gives his timeworn advice.

鲜花将短暂的美丽带到了哈瓦那旧城的一条陈旧的街道,在这里,生活着该城两百万居民中的60,000人。Fresh flowers add passing beauty to a timeworn street in Old Havana , where 60,000 of the city's two million residents live.

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身份和联系——你们的任务就是接受这些陈旧的概念,玩转它们,复苏它们,给它们注入新鲜的、激动人心的内容。Identity and connection–it is your task to take those timeworn concepts, spin them around, reinvigorate them, make them fresh and new and exciting.

目前在我国高校的学生工作中,学生日益增长的发展需求和学校陈旧的学生工作管理模式之间的矛盾是其主要矛盾。The main contradiction is students' increasing demands and schools' timeworn management mode of student work in China's colleges' student work at present.

多元战略的缺失、缺乏执行力以及体制陈旧是制约此类企业绩效开发与管理的瓶颈。It's a bottle-neck of limiting the performance appraisal of such enterprises due to the lack of multi- stratagem and performance and the timeworn operation system.

近年来,我国开展了大规模的土地整理工作,但各地土地整理规划设计方法落后,鲜有综合应用各种新技术辅助设计的。Recently, land consolidation is started all over the country, but methods of land consolidation planning and design are timeworn and lack of applications of Hi techs.

但长期以来中医高校体制僵化、管理理念陈旧,加强中医高校人力资源管理的理论研究和实践探索是非常必要的。On the other hand, the timeworn concept of teacher management in colleges and universities of TCM as well as the petrified structure could hardly meet the current requirement.

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PLG-CD4法对新鲜样品分析的准确性与传统的双平台法相当,对陈旧样品分析的准确性明显优于传统的双平台法,PLG-CD4法的准确性及重复性均较好。PLG-CD4 method was superior in CD4 cell count for timeworn samples than traditional double-platform assay. The accuracy and reproducibility of PLG-CD4 assay were both acceptable.

其中在风险投资项目评估方面,存在着投资决策过程模糊、评估方法陈旧、投资收益低等问题。Among these questions, some are related with the activity of VC projects evaluation including fuzziness of the decision making process, timeworn evaluation methods, and low investment return.