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在GIGA,任何事情都始于态度。At GIGA everything starts with Attitude.

你怎样才能按时赶到米嘉-技嘉公司上班呢?How will you get to your office at Mega Giga Industries on time?

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你可以存储数据量的DVD是一个数十亿字节。The amount of data you can store on a single DVD is several Giga Byte.

经过实际测试,系统能稳定地工作在千兆以太网的网络环境。When tested in the Giga Ethernet environment, the system can work steadily.

计划在印度古吉拉特邦,它会产生5千兆瓦的功率,当所有是说过和做过。Planned for Gujarat, India, it'll be producing 5 Giga Watts of power when all is said and done.

就目前来看,与伴星系的并合可能是形成厚盘最为可能的机制。It seems that mergers of satellite galaxies should be the most likely mechanism several giga years ago.

GIGA也非常重视为建筑开发出生命周期分析体系。GIGA is also heavily invested in the research and development of Life-Cycle analysis systems for buildings.

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去年豪尔镇和台北县新店市缔结姊妹市,正是吉佳等人努力的结果。Last year Howell Town was twinned with Hsintien, Taipei county, thanks to the efforts of people like Giga Andreyev.

GIGA是一个基于中国的非盈利研究机构,她为设计师提供了设计工具和策略,以更好地对环境产生积极的影响。GIGA is a non-profit, China-based, research organization that gives designers access to design tools and strategies that have a positive environmental impact.

本论文研究的内容是应用网络处理器IXP2400设计与实现新一代的高性能千兆线速防火墙。It is the best choice for the development of a Giga firewall. In the dissertation we designed and implemented a Giga firewall based on IXP2400 Network Processor.

把他们的意见传给建筑家,饭店创办人也开始著手,“绿化意见转绿化行动”的会议,让大家能讨论和分享环保设计。Taking their ideas to other architects, the hotel founders have also started a forum called GIGA , or green ideas into green action, for people to discuss and share eco-friendly designs.