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肢体重复性劳损症不会威胁生命。RSI is not life threatening.

那条狗非常吓人。That dog is very threatening.

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你在威胁我吗?走,树懒!Are you threatening me?- Move, sloth!

那要望你威胁`什么了。That depends on what you're threatening.

他站在那儿摆出一副威胁的姿势。He stood there in a threatening attitude.

他们在山雨欲来的天空下行进。They are marching under a threatening sky.

肝硬化是威胁到生命安全的。Cirrhosis of the liver is life threatening.

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这阵风快要变成暴风雨了。This wind is threatening to become a storm.

他们以威胁的姿态向我袭来。They advanced upon me in a threatening manner.

难道中国就是一个喜欢搂搂抱抱的熊猫又或者是一只恐怖的龙?Is China a cuddly panda or a threatening dragon?

市场经济,富贵逼人。Market economy, riches and honour is threatening.

他的言语慢慢地缓和了她的威胁态度。His words slowly relaxed her threatening attitude.

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恐吓信基本分析完了。I'm nearly done analyzing the threatening letters.

霜降危及新作物的存活。Jack Frost was threatening to kill the new plants.

这些想法都太威胁关键的利益即得者。The ideas are too threatening to key stakeholders.

天空似有雨意。今天看起来要刮风下雨。The sky is rainy. It looks very threatening today.

他的话音里没有什么威吓或者愤怒。There was nothing threatening or angry in his voice.

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政府警告说要采取断然措施。The government is threatening to take drastic action.

这股威协将会毁灭我们的所有成就。Threatening to destroy all that we have accomplished.

法官责令他别再威胁他妻子。The judge told him to desist from threatening his wife.