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艺术爱好者们从巴塞尔艺术博览会浩浩荡荡地来到了卡塞尔。The art crowd arrived in Kassel coming from the Basel Artfair.

国际上有一个很棒的展览,叫卡塞尔文献展。Kassel Documenta is a prestigious international art exhibition.

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卡塞尔仍然是欧洲浣熊扩散的主要城市。Kassel remains the capital city of raccoon expansionism in Europe.

由于卡塞尔多年在时装行业从事销售工作,所以跟许多品牌都有联系。Kassel had spent years working in the fashion industry and in sales, she had many contacts with labels.

曾任卡塞尔大学副校长,担任卡塞尔国际高等教育研究中心主任已长达16年。He has been director of the International Centre for Higher Education Research in Kassel for altogether 16 years.

卡塞尔国际少儿艺术中心于中国的特许项目将如何助您达成您的营商及个人目标?How will the Kassel International Center of Children's Arts franchise opportunity help you reach your business & personal goals?

“尽管40年来,我们一直在开发更清洁的车辆,国内的汽车污染问题仍然很严重,”卡塞尔先生承认。“Despite 40 years of building ever-cleaner vehicles, we still have a vehicle pollution problem in this country, ” Mr. Kassel said.

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昨天,卡塞尔展的馆长坐在小木椅上,他的儿子坐在他的膝上。The curator of the Kassel show, Roger Bürgel sat outside the embassy yesterday, perched on a small wooden stool, his son on his knee.

为什么我们不把威尼斯双年展和卡塞尔文献展上的“艺术家”和“作品”看成真正的“影子”呢?It is better to take the "artists" and "artworks" exhibited at Venice Binary Exhibition and Kassel Document exhibition to be "shallows".

“卡塞尔科技园”是卡塞尔大学新校区北部重要的建筑。The new building for the innovation and start-up centre, Science Park Kassel" is an essential part of the new north campus of Kassel University."

德国中西部的一个城市,位于卡塞尔的西北部,它于3世纪加入汉萨同盟,802年落入普鲁士手中。人口09,54。A city of west-central Germany northwest of Kassel. It joined the Hanseatic League in the 3th century and passed to Prussia in 802. Population, 09,54.

曾御钦自2007年获邀卡塞尔文件展以来,一直以其鲜明的录像作品风格及纯熟的创作语汇深受国际艺坛的瞩目。Since 2007's Kassel Documenta exhibit, Tseng's distinctive video works and mature creative language have made him a focus of the international art world.

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与此同时,类似于“影子展览”的想法与其说是在“对抗”,还不如说是在敲边鼓。At the same time, the ideas such as "shadow exhibitions" look like hollow propaganda more than the real resistance to the "hegemony" of Venice and Kassel exhibition.

根据路透数据,美元/日圆的纪录低点为1995年所创的79.70日圆.The record low in 1995 was 79.70 yen, according to Reuters data. "I think you need to see a push below that to justify a disorderly type move that deviates from fundamentals," Kassel said.