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她很有好奇心。She's curious.

我真的很好奇。I'm so curious.

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我们永远都很好奇。We are always curious.

他十分的好奇。He’s genuinely curious.

难怪我们会好奇。No wonder we're curious.

我对瓦尔纳很好奇。I am curious about Varna.

必须承认,我有点好奇。I gotta admit, I'm curious.

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我很好奇。But first I am very curious.

她可能只是好奇而已。She’s probably just curious.

看看爱悠这好奇的模样!Look Aiu, such curious image!

个人小传是一种有趣的文件。The biog is a curious document.

显然,她只是好奇。She was apparently just curious.

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那头牛投出好奇的目光。The bull casts a curious glance.

现实中存在着古怪的角色倒转。There is a curious role reversal.

目击了这一奇异的景象。A curious spectacle was witnessed.

我们的大脑对好奇总是精力充沛的。Our brains are wired to be curious.

弥漫着古怪猫腥味的潮湿沙滩。The curious cat-smell of damp sand.

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我很想知道她呆在哪。I am curious to know where he stays.

我是个很有求知欲的人。I'm a very curious person naturally.

美国缅因州海湾的一只好奇的鲨鱼。A curious shark in the Gulf of Maine.