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照常进行转换。Transform as usual.

一切如常。Things are as usual.

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这是他常坐的座位。This is his usual seat.

您可以或许象仄居一样干。You can do it as usual.

你知道的,经常说的那个。You know. The usual one.

交货付款是我们通常的方法!C. O. D is our usual way !

罗伯塔像往常一样迟到了。Roberta was late as usual.

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那里一如既往的疯狂。It was a madhouse as usual.

他到的比常晚。He arrives later than usual.

我今天不大对劲。I'm not my usual self today.

这对他来说是平常事。It's a usual thing with him.

或者我像平常一样无能。Or I'm incompetent as usual.

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一切照常进行。Everything proceeds as usual.

黛拉和往常一样哭着,咳嗽着。Della cried as usual. Coughed.

他到得比往常早。He arrived earlier than usual.

她像往常一样噘着嘴。Her mouth held its usual pout.

说话时面带惯常的微笑。His face with the usual smile.

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唱片师又放上一碟经典。DJ is putting on his usual disc.

她比平时更可爱。She is even lovelier than usual.

他们比平时来得早。They arrived earlier than usual.