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你瞧这是非常不科学的。That's very unscientific you see.

它们是不科学的,不守纪律。They are unscientific and undisciplined.

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这些仅仅是我自己不科学的谬论。But those are just my own unscientific quibbles.

唯物主义者是不科学的。It is the unscientific who are the materialists.

一方面,它是种非常不科学的假说For one thing, it's a profoundly unscientific doctrine.

谈论心理状态真的是不科学的吗?Is it true that talking about mental states is unscientific?

它来源于想要保持一个低数目的非科学性的要求。It stemmed from an unscientific desire to keep the numbers low.

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这一观念如同说水或氧气是不安全的一样是不科学的。That notion is as unscientific as suggesting that water or oxygen is dangerous.

蚂蚁已很快找到了相应的对策,来对付我那套完全不科学的办法!The ants had been quick to find an answer to my thoroughly unscientific methods!

但另一些人据理力争,说道将人类的激情强加给动物是不科学的。But others have argued that foisting human emotions onto animals is unscientific.

对学生上网谈虎色变,这是不科学的。To student online turn pale at the only mention of sth terrible, this is unscientific.

不管这种行为是否是有意的,这证明了测谎的步骤非常不科学。Whether this is conscious or not, it shows how unscientific the whole procedure can be.

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事业单位固定资产核算和管理中,存在着管理不规范、核算方法不尽科学等问题。There are some questions such as management anomaly and account means unscientific and so on.

我曾为了此事在已婚的朋友中做过一次并不科学的调查,结果发现她们也全都拿不准。So I did an unscientific survey of married friends and found that none of them had a clue either.

因而,耻辱刑是一种不科学的刑罚类型,对于现代法制文明社会来说是不可取的。Hence humiliate punishment is unscientific and should not be recommended in our modern legislation.

一想到孩子们那些极具可塑性的脑袋瓜会受到这种不科学的胡言乱语的侵害,我就感到痛苦。the thought that their malleable minds should be exposed to such unscientific tosh was painful to me.

对于大多数人,这种并不够科学的方法已经足够我们顺利度过夏天了。This unscientific protocol is perfectly adequate to keep most of us functioning fine through the summer.

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运动免疫学的研究还处于初级阶段,任何简单的结论都是不科学的。The study of exercise immunology is still at the primary phase, and any simple conclusion is unscientific.

不科学的立法是造成有法不依现象产生的前提因素。Unscientific legislation is the premise factor which results in the phenomena of failure to observe the law.

通过对福布斯400富人榜中白手起家富翁所进行的众所周知的毫无科学性的研究,我们得到了一些非常有意思的结论。Our admittedly unscientific study of the self-made members of the Forbes 400 yielded some interesting results.