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所有未生效的合同如果修改日期需要和每一个上面提到的客户商议。B. All executory contracts as amended to date with each of the above-referenced customers.

所有未生效的合同,如果修改日期,需要和每一个上面提到的供应商商议。D. All executory contracts, as amended to date, with each of the above-referenced suppliers.

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原则上,备用信用证可以运用于任何当事人能够履行的合同”。In principle, standby credits can be used in any contract where the performance of one party is executory.

难道世上除了审判厅、执行判决、警署和权威之外,还有其他东西吗?Is there in the world, anything outside of the tribunals , executory sentences, the police and the authorities?

待履行的合同是指一方或多方当事人部分未履行或完全未履行的合同。An executory contract applies to a contract that is still partially or entirely unperformed by one or more parties.

买方所付之款项系为一份应于订立后再履行而卖方尚未履行的契约而约付的预付款。The payment by the buyer was therefore an advance payment for an executory contract which the seller had not performed.

所以,必须对破产法整体上作出修改才能从根本上解决待履行合同的处理机制的问题。To solve fundamentally the problem of "executory contract" can be achieved only by the revision on the bankruptcy law in whole.

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在执行效力评价阶段则以其多元性的、基层性的利益代表特性而发挥着更为动态评估、高效反馈的功能。In the process of the executory effect appraisal, the NGO can get an even more effective function for their characteristic of benefit on behalf.

我们公共关系会议今天的日程是研究项目,网站的发行,新闻稿的时间点,还有年度奖品的发放。On the agenda today for our public relations meeting are the research project, the launch of the website, the timeline for press releases, and the executory of the year award.

待执行合同,是指合同各方尚未履行任何合同义务,或部分地履行了同等义务的合同。The term " executory contract" refers to a contract the contractual obligations of which the parties concerned fail to perform, or some of the equal obligations have been performed.

从评价类型来看,通常分为正式评价和非正式评价、内部评价与外部评价、预评价、执行评价与后评价、定性评价和定量评价。As to types, there may be formal or informal evaluation, internal or external evaluation, pre-evaluation, executory evaluation or post-evaluation, and qualitative or quantitative evaluation.