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你决不可相信他的话,因为他是个爱的人。You shall never believe what he say because he is a fibber.

你决不可相信他的话,因为他是个爱撒小把的人。You should never believe what he says because he is a fibber.

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功利撒谎者是那种“当形势需要时会撒谎的人。The pragmatic fibber is one who lies “when the situation calls for it.

穿着不透风的化纤内裤情况会更糟。Circumstance of briefs of dress windtight chemical fibber is met more flooey.

督韦尼道金斯就是个撒谎者,我还看到阿诺德亚当斯和别人说话时的语气不对。Dwayne Dawkins is a darn fibber and I saw Arnold Adams talking to someone with a funny accent.

你千万不要冒犯他的权益,否则他的反应一定像长江之水滔滔不绝而来。His reaction is like Fibber McGee's closet. If you violate his rights, a whole bunch of stuff comes tumbling out!

压痕羊毛地毯或化纤毛毯,假如上面放置家具的时间过长,会受压留下痕迹。Carpet of abb of L, impress or chemical fibber blanket, if above the time that sets furniture is too long, meeting press press leaves a mark.

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文章简述了SW-206超低碳高钼奥氏体不锈钢的基本特性以及它在石油化纤工业中应用的概况。The basic properties of SW ?206 super-low carbon high Molybdenum austenitic stainless steel and its application in chemical fibber industry were described.

化纤及其它原料供给正常,这将有利于纺织工业降低成本,提高竞争力。It is normal that chemical fibber and other raw material are supplied, this will be helpful for textile industry reducing cost, enhance competition ability.

我公司的前身为江阴市第一化纤厂,始创于一九八一年,工厂主要生产涤纶短纤维。The predecessor of my company is river shade city factory of the first chemical fibber, only then achieve 1981, mill-owner should produce polyester fibber short staple.