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她老是在找她丈夫的茬儿。She's always carping at her husband.

他的祖父总是指摘青年人不懂事。His grandfather is always carping about the young.

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我已经受够了他不断地吃毛求疵和批评。I've had enough of him constantly carping and criticizing.

一个人可以丢弃一个挑剔的丈夫,但是烦躁的儿童和忧郁的青少年,可以吗?。One can dump a carping husband, but what of whiny toddlers and sullen teens?

斯里兰卡政府常常称道中国对于这场战争的贡献,于此恰成反例的是它对西方国家的牢骚不满。The government often refers to China's contribution towards the war, in contrast to the carping West.

斯里兰卡政府常常称道中国对于这场战争的贡献,于此恰成反例的是它对西方国家的牢骚不满。The government often refers to China’s contribution towards the war, in contrast to the carping West.

吹毛求疵和打小报告不会给你带来任何结果——不过你可以做几件事来解决这个问题。Carping and tattling won't get you anywhere – but there are a few things you can do to alleviate the issue.

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尽管彼得实实在在地相信他的家庭是个自由自在、无拘无束的地方,但他总爱为了某件事对妻子或孩子们百般挑剔或唠叨个没完。Peter is always carping or nagging at his wife or kids about something though he honestly believes his home is Liberty Hall.

这会使调查中所提到的他们不礼貌、易于吹毛求疵及漠视当地习俗的行为得到改善吗?Will this move them to improve behavior the poll characterized as impolite, prone to loud carping and inattentive to local customs?

中国提出的建议既考虑了自身利益,又顾及了世界各国,因此,参与其中比在一旁吹毛求疵更为明智。Where China offers proposals that make sense for itself and for the world, engagement is more sensible than carping from the sidelines.

一见落后的景象就想拍照留念,无异在找人家的茬儿,如此欠考虑的行为,还是不做为妙。It's no difference between photographing under- developed scenes of a country and carping. It would be better not to do such an unconsidered doing.

在中国队最终在8月13日对巴西的比赛以3-0输掉后,宣传部门显然已经受够了那些挖苦和玩笑。After the Chinese team lost its final match on Aug. 13 to Brazil 3-0, the Propaganda Department apparently got fed up with the carping and the jokes.

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千万别旁敲侧击。如果你伴侣给孩子穿衣服,那么就不要抱怨穿得不好。如果你想事情按照你的想法去做,那么你就要自己去做。No carping from the sidelines. If your partner got the kids dressed, don't criticize the outfits. If you want something done your way, do it yourself.

和朋友在一起吵吵闹闹没关系,并且也乐在其中,但是如果有谁对他们的爱情说三道四,就别怪狮子会翻脸不见人。And friends together noisy never mind, and happiness within, but if someone to make carping comments on their love, don't blame the lion will face no one.

“新右翼”把注意力集中在60年代的暴行上,让我想起内战的100年之后的南部重建时期,南方白人反对重建而到处吹毛求疵。In focusing only on the excesses of the 1960s, the New Right reminded me a lot of the carping that white southerners did against Reconstruction for a century after the Civil War.