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斯迈尔先生说他不想与客家争吵。Mr. Smile said he did not wa.

博士蛙正在盖一间猫舍。Bo Shi Wa is building a cat house.

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这是句非常有影响力的名言。This wa s a very influential quote.

博士蛙在那次比赛中游得非常快。Bo Shi Wa swam very fast in that match.

这很险恶?真的只是矫揉做作?Is it vicious? Hontou wa Just precious?

临沧是中国佤族文化的荟萃之地。Wa culture of the Chinese cultures meet.

从5年前开始,她不再是你妈妈。Not for the past 5 years she wa 't, nigga.

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博士蛙吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。Bo Shi Wa blew out the candles on the cake.

拍摄于美国华盛顿州的一个花园。Photo taken at Duncan Garden in Spokane, WA.

佤族人依靠中国工资生存Wa People Rely on Chinese Wages for Survival

曾有人问我,我怎么知道真爱为真?They asked me how I knew my tune love wa true?

作为班长,博士蛙乐意帮助别人。As a monitor, Bo Shi Wa is ready to help others.

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即日的晨报上有许多音信。There wa lot as news in the morning paper today.

柯瓦连科坐在那儿生闷气,一句话也不说。Co Wa Rienk sat there sulking, not to say a word.

博士蛙在生日那天收到了一些贺卡。Bo Shi Wa recived some greeting-cards on his birthday.

成都郊外的瓦窑村,就是一个试点案例。Wa Yao, the village just outside Chengdu, is a test case.

会议原定了两个钟头,不过现在尚无竣事。The meet wa schedul for two hours, but it is now over yet.

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他们在女娲身旁欢呼雀跃了一阵,慢慢走散了。Nu Wa side cheering them for a while, slowly got separated.

恺恩和我们大家在华盛顿州温哥华湖公园更多照片。Kevin with us at Vancouver Lake Park, WA on Labor Day weekend.

上图是公园里佤村的预定节目。Here is a scheduled show from the "Wa village" within the park.