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我的名字也必将在回忆中消逝名字消亡如拭尘。And eke my name be wiped out likewise.

我们必须尽量节约用水。We must try to eke out our water supply.

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这漂亮的一对也欣然地隐蔽自己。And this faire couple eke to shroud themselves were fain.

他们靠在垃圾场捡垃圾维持着朝不保夕的生活。They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps.

在某种情况下,教育和智力都是可以起济恶的作用的。In certain cases, education and enlightenment can serve to eke out evil.

当夏季来临,这些动物都在为生存而奔忙。But as summer approaches, these animals struggle to eke out an existence.

放松下巴、前额和嘴唇的肌肉来保持沉着冷静、然后龇一龇牙。Relax the muscles in your jaw, forehead, and lips to keep cool, then eke out a grin.

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在这个中国最富裕的城市,还是有很多人勉强维生。Even in China’s richest city, huge numbers of people eke out a very modest existence.

很多生活在城市中的难民依靠非法或非正规的行业维持生计。Most city refugees must eke out an existence in illegal or informal sectors of the economy.

小说末尾,落魄的祥子靠着捡烟头来艰苦维持着悲惨的生活。The novel ends with a broken Xiangzi picking up cigarette-ends to eke out a miserable living.

好像他小跑跟在我身后,他那海军蓝的上衣随风飘动,只是为了逼我把事实说出来。It would be like him to trot after me, his navy blazer flapping, just to eke the truth out of me.

我个人也在SayNow花了5年的时间试图弥补数字电话系统的不足。Personally, I’ve spent five years at SayNow trying to eke more out of the digit-based phone system too.

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要不然,他们现在只能是勉强维持胜利,或者像周二晚上输给5胜16负的国王那样遭遇莫名其妙失利。They eke out victories now, or inexplicably stumble like they did Tuesday night against 5-16 Sacramento.

但是,她宁愿做自己喜欢的工作,勉强度日,也不愿做一份没有精神回报的工作,只为能舒服地生活。Still, she'd rather EKE OUT a living doing what she likes than living comfortably from a job that's unrewarding.

他用一个手指头堵住大坝的漏洞,让一塌糊涂的汽车业再捱过几个月。He will put his finger in the dyke, and the fragile mess of an auto industry will eke through the next few months.

有一个下午我穿过森林到美港去钧鱼,以弥补我的蔬菜的不足。I set out one afternoon to go a-fishing to Fair Haven, through the woods, to eke out my scanty fare of vegetables.

热带风暴纳尔吉斯重创缅甸过去一年后,在伊洛瓦底江三角洲,成千上万的幸存者仍然在为生计而斗争。In the Irrawaddy River Delta, tens of thousands of survivors of Cyclone Nargis still struggle to eke out a life a year later.

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为了让蜜蜂整年都有花采,全国2,000名商业养蜂人中大约有一半每年春天都要搬家。To eke out a full-time living from their honeybees, about half the nation's 2,000 commercial beekeepers pull up stakes each spring.

透过线上翻译软体翻译全文,我试图在网路上找寻纯一的回应文章以及其他的讯息来源。The online translator thoroughly mangles text I have tried to eke from Junichi's correspondence and from other sources on the Internet.

他们做的是没有风险的生意,简而言之就是锁定买入价与卖出价,然后从中赚取少量却正常利润。Trading simply means naming a spread of buy and sell prices from which they can eke out tiny but regular profits, a business without risk.