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生命是极其短暂的。Life is exceedingly brief.

这件工作做得很是超卓。It's exceedingly well done.

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好生奇怪!What an exceedingly strange thing!

我感到非常不安,陛下。That I am exceedingly disquieted, sire.

这位歌手现在红得发紫。This singer is now exceedingly popular.

那青年看上去垂头丧气极了。The youth looked exceedingly crestfallen.

那对情人难舍难分。The lovers were exceedingly loath to separate.

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科威特的经济命脉极其依赖石油。THE economy of Kuwait is exceedingly well oiled.

这个新职位的权力范围及其含混。The powers of this new post are exceedingly vague.

问题是,这类公司是极其罕见的。The problem is that such companies are exceedingly rare.

又一次落榜了,她的心情阴晦到了极点。Hearing that she failed again, she is exceedingly gloomy.

拉塞尔夫人眼见着这个家庭的衰落,心里感到极为难过。Lady Russell felt this break-up of the family exceedingly.

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在子宫中的肥胖风险仅是极端复杂状况的一部分。In-utero exposure is just part of an exceedingly complex picture.

她愤怒至极,对着赫斯渥就是一棍子,赫斯渥躲开了。She was exceedingly wrathful and struck at Hurstwood, who dodged.

铟锡氧化物超出寻常的昂贵,因为它是由珍贵的的原料构成的。ITO is exceedingly expensive, because it's made of rare materials.

很多人尝试着使用它,却发现非常难用。Many people try to use it, and find it to be exceedingly difficult.

你职业生涯的一个会议于年十二月十九日应该去得非常清楚。A career meeting you have on December 19 should go exceedingly well.

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“莫雷尔先生待我一直特别友善。”唐太斯回答。"M. Morrel has always been exceedingly kind to me, " replied Dantès.

花哨的坎肩上配搭着一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣。It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons.

他这种不辞而别的行为是极其不负责的。It is exceedingly irresponsible of him to leave without saying goodbye.