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醉心写作已成为乾隆年间的事了。Being rapt in writing was something prehistorical for me till then.

上古时代,尧、舜、禹都曾在山西境内建都。In prehistorical times, Yao, Shun and Yu all set their capital in Shanxi.

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史前海域之测量方法是利用星辰和设立陆、海域标点作为定方位的依据。Survey of prehistorical seas was based upon stars and land and sea points.

所以放射性碳年代测定对许多史前艺术有用。So it turns out that radiocarbon dating works for a lot of prehistorical art.

科学家们常常不能精确地鉴定考古或史前期发现的日期。Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings.

城市的形成经历了一定的历史过程,中国城市始于史前的“城”。The forming of city has its historical process and Chinese cities begins from the prehistorical cities.

BIBT研究所的研究目标锁定在史前文明探源,尤其关注“文明同源说”。The purpose of the BIBT institute is locked in seeking the origin of prehistorical civilizations, especially "the civilized homology".

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阴湘城和石家河古城是江汉地区两个著名的史前时代的古城。Two similar prehistorical pottery inscriptions were found recently from Yinxiangcheng and Shijiahe, two famous prehistoric sites in the Jianghan area.

无论是中国还是西方,在人类的童年时代,史前艺术的轨迹中,诗、乐、舞都是相互融合、浑然一体的。Anywhere from Eastern to western, during the childhood of human beings, in the track of prehistorical art, poem, music, dancing were all combined as a whole.

在早期史前社会,人类的社会实践活动很大程度上受制于自然。In the prehistorical society, human social activities were greatly limited by nature, owing to the low production capacity and the primitive way of thinking.

雅斯贝斯从文明形态的角度对历史进行分期,并对史前期文明、古代文明时期、轴心期、以及科学技术时代中技术这一历史现象进行了深入探究。At the same time, the historical term "technology" in the prehistorical civilization period, ancient civilization period, the axial period and the era of technology and science is carefully explored.