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通过大通湖典型圩垸的实例计算,验证了这一模型和解法的有效性和优越性。The validity of this model is proved by a case study of a typical polder area in Datong lake.

我国南方圩区土壤肥沃,水网密布,资源丰富。The southern polder area of China has fertility soil, variegated rivers and plentiful natural resources.

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给出了一种航空光谱偏振CCD相机的主要技术指标设计,并与法国的POLDER偏振仪进行了类比。An airborne polarized spectral CCD camera is designed and compared with POLDER polarimeter made by France.

桥墩支承在大直径桩基础之上,围堤直接建于软土地基上。The bridge is supported on the large-sized pile foundation, and the polder dike will be built on the soft soils.

清代皖江流域的圩区中,圩民拥有相似的民风民俗和宗教信仰。In Qing Dynasty, people in the polder districts of Wanjiang Basin shared similar folkways, folk-customs and faiths.

圩田的兴筑,在防洪、排涝、灌溉、降渍等方面均起了积极作用。The building of polder land has played an active role in flood control, drainage, irrigation and reducing immersing.

兴建堵港蓄淡水库是浙江省沿海解决水资源短缺措施之一。The polder reservoir, storing fresh water, is one of the measures to solve water-deficient problems in the coastal areas.

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但是圩田的过度开发活动对区域生态环境的破坏作用也十分明显。But it is very obvious that the excessive exploration of polder land basin has destroyed the regional environment, to some extent.

这时的圩区由基层行政组织和水利组织发展成为军事组织。Gradually, the administrative and water conservancy organization of grass roots in polder distinct turned to the martial organization.

第二,许多对圩区做出卓越贡献的官绅成为圩民祭祀之神。Secondly, many government officials and gentlemen who had mad contributions to the polder district were regarded as the Gods for sacrifice.

并绘制变化曲线,方便以后圩区设计,同时也圩区治理提供一种思路和方法。In order to design polder region convent, variation curves are drawn, which can put forward an idea and method for regulation of polder region.

圩区设计排涝流量计算,对圩区的水安全,有效减免涝灾经济损失有着重要意义。Calculating design drainage discharge have important significance for water safety and derating economic losses of waterlog in the polder areas.

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这些神灵都是保佑圩区风调雨顺、为农业、渔业消灾避难的庇护之神。All the Gods were protecting ones, saving polder district from any disasters and providing agriculture and fishery there with refuges and shelters.

明清时期巢湖流域圩田的发展,有独特的自然环境因素,也有一定的社会经济根源。During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the development of polder land in Chaohu lake basin is due to its unique natural environment factors and social economy.

研究区域排涝的影响因素,可以指导类似圩区设计,同时也为圩区治理提供一种思路和方法。The factors of polder drainage are researched, which can be used to guide similar polder design and put forward ideas and methods for regulation of polder district.

而‘新水’项目将特意让这片堤围泽地积满水,所有的建筑物将完美而适合地浮在涨涨落落的水面上。The New Water Project will purposely allow the polder to flood with water and all the buildings will be perfectly suited to float on top of the rising and falling water.

以我国大型圩区为研究对象,开发出一通用的圩区地下水位随机模拟数学模型,用以模拟圩区地下水位随时间的变化情况。A stochastic simulation mathematic model of groundwater movement in polder is developed in this article, and it can be used for the simulation of groundwater table in polder.

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对沿淮行蓄洪区、部分洼地、圩区以及淠河水系圩口溃破情况进行了洪水调查,并进行分析、论证及部分还原计算。An investigation into the districts of storing floodwater, low-lying land and polder breach flood are made, based on this, restoring calculations are analyzed and demonstrated.

通过数值计算,模拟了围堤对桥梁桩基础的影响,据此为确定桥梁跨径提供依据。In this paper, numerical method was employed to simulate the effect of the polder dike on the bridge pile foundation, and the results will provide a base for selecting the bridge span.