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他总结出了整个苏联的纷纷扰扰。He summarizes the Soviet imbroglio

尽量不要在经济上有纠葛。Try to avoid the imbroglio on money.

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是感情的恩恩怨怨的纠葛绊住了脚。It is imbroglio of feeling's kind And enmity holding up his feet.

他家的生活一团糟,他就像个流浪儿一样。The life imbroglio of his home, he resembles a waifs and strays same.

整个谈判从一开始就被雅虎搅得一团糟。Whole negotiation from be gotten by Yahoo agitate at the beginning imbroglio.

这件英国绯闻是凯文居家男人形象在公众面前的第一个污点。The British imbroglio was the first public smudge on Costner's family-man image.

为了防止一团糟的场面,还应在身下垫一些毛巾。To avoid the appearance of imbroglio , still should be in body underlay a few towel.

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另一方面,村里的李大可等人因为失去妻子生活变得一团糟。On the other hand, because the person such as the Li Dake of the village loses wife life to become imbroglio.

今天在新闻发布会上相对于地缘政治、公共健康和全球商业问题,肝素纠葛是热点。Geopolitics, public health and global business all bubbled up in dueling press conferences over the heparin imbroglio today.

而鲁迅与钱玄同的分道扬镳,则是由于他们后期思想的差异和人脉关系的纠葛所造成。Lu Xu and Qian Xuantong went their own way because they had different thoughts and were trapped in the imbroglio of personal connections.

在因为蹩脚的,有时候甚至变得恶心的合同而缺席了常规赛前25场后,巴西人终于回到正事上了。After missing the first 25 games of the regular season because of a contract imbroglio that, at times, turned ugly, Varejao is back in business.

我曾问我朋友的数码相机的建议之前,不过落得这样一个恶梦的纷乱,我绝不会要求他见面。I have asked my friend for digital camera recommendations before, but ended up in such a nightmare of an imbroglio that I will never ask him again.

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住房、经济条件、双方的工作环境等等,不想因为突然有了孩子后,生活变得一团糟。Condition of housing, economy, bilateral work environment is waited a moment, because hit upon, do not think after the child, the life becomes imbroglio.

民族主义时代商会的大多抉择,往往“义”与“利”纠缠不清,而诸多悖论性的言说和实践,注定无法避免。Guiyang Business Association always faced imbroglio of national right and business benefit. So, lots of verbalism and practice with paradox cannot avoid.

跨保证观念,不仅提供了良好摆脱纠葛政府银行监管,但会提供的好处远远超出了银行系统。The cross-guarantee concept not only provides a sound escape from the imbroglio of government banking regulation, but it will deliver benefits far beyond the banking system.

内阁部长们准备举办一场关于名人特级禁令的紧急会话,目的在于推广隐私法并尝试规范社交网站。Ministers are to hold emergency talks over the celebrity super-injunction imbroglio that could pave the way to a privacy law and an attempt to regulate social networking sites.

羸弱的全球经济成长以及欧洲债务错综复杂的局面,实际上有可能让投资者希望一切重回正轨的努力变得无济于事.Both ailing global growth and the European debt imbroglio may actually be obscuring attempts by investors to get back on- track after the misery of the northern hemisphere summer.

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上周五,在欧洲交易的西班牙与意大利的国债收益率小幅回调,原因是市场指望法国和德国能拿出有效的方案,收拾当前的烂摊子。Spanish and Italian bond yields rallied slightly in European trading on Friday on the hopes that France and Germany will come up with some sort of solution to the current imbroglio.