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养蜂人把蜂群装入蜂箱。The beekeeper hived the swarm.

他们只知道他是个和蔼可亲的养蜂人。They had known him as an amiable beekeeper.

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他养了很多蜜蜂,于是我们称他为养蜂人。He keeps honeybees so we call him a beekeeper.

养蜂人在一次收获的季节里,想要尝试酿蜜。In a harvest season, a beekeeper tried making honey.

该镇请来一名养蜂人来解决这个问题。A beekeeper has been called in to take care of the problem.

岛上的居民都感到吃惊。他们只知道他是个和蔼可亲的养蜂人。The islanders were astonished. They had known him as an amiable beekeeper.

养蜂人打开底巢向蜂箱底部张望。The beekeeper opens the lower partition and peeps into the lower half of the hive.

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养蜂家的蜂蜜、鼠尾草和迷迭香,都贴上“优质赫瓦尔俱乐部”的标签。Beekeeper Juraj Hure's honey, sage and rosemary all merit the "Best of Hvar" label.

可以添加额外的巢框,以便在必要时可以并促使生产更多蜂蜜。the beekeeper only wants honey stored. Additional frames can be added as necessary to

因此,如果一个养蜂人告诉你,他们只是继续着一个古老的传统,别忘了他们所用的方法只有100年的历史,与流传了几千年的方法有根本的不同。So if a beekeeper tells you that they are only continuing an ancient tradition, keep in

这张未标日期的照片,是位云林县蜂农满脸笑容地拿著他蜂箱里的一个框框。A beekeeper holds a frame from one of his beehives in Yunlin County in this undated photo.

这是刘师傅,他是一位农民,也是养蜂人,我沿着阳朔漓江骑行时认识了他。This is Mr Liu, a farmer and beekeeper I met while cycling along the River Li in Yangshuo, China.

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但是,即使是最专业的养蜂人也会不知不觉地给蜂蜜标签添上错误的信息。However, even the most dedicated beekeeper can unknowingly put incorrect information on a honey jar's label.

在他们的新位置,养蜂人要付给农场主钱,去允许他的蜜蜂去采蜜,像桔子园这种地方。In their new location, the beekeeper will pay the farmer to allow his bees to feed in such places as orange groves.

养蜂人关上蜂桶,用粉笔作上记号,到时候砸毁它、烧掉它。The beekeeper closes the partition, chalks a mark on the hive, and choosing his own time, breaks it up and burns it.

穆腾古是位著名的养蜂人,自然也为女王准备了美味可口的蜜饼。Mutengu was a famous beekeeper and cakes of delicious honey were also set out in preparation for the Queen's arrival.

一箱蜂箱的好处是,他们的设计可以使他们的养蜂人打开检查的殖民地。One advantage of box hives is that their design makes it possible for the beekeeper to open them to inspect the colony.

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宾夕法尼亚州的养蜂人大卫.哈肯伯格回忆起了他的一次经历。Pennsylvania beekeeper Dave Hackenberg recalls the experience from 2004 of checking on a hive one morning after noticing a loss of bees.

在孟加拉的申达本森林,养蜂人扇动烟雾进入巨蜂蜂巢,以平息涌出的蜂群从而采集蜂蜜。In Bangladesh's Sundarban Forest, a beekeeper fans smoke into a hive of giant honeybees to calm the swarming insects before collecting their honey.

如果养蜂人并不收取授粉费,而发电厂也不缴纳污染税,那蜂蜜或电能的价格就不能反映出真正的收益或成本。If the beekeeper doesn't charge for pollination or the energy company doesn't pay a pollution tax, the price of honey or power does not reflect its true benefit or cost.