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我的室友王楠非常势利。My roommate Wang Nan is very snobbish.

我认为,人人生来势利。I think everyone's inherently snobbish.

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每个人都对他势利的态度反感。Everyone was annoyed by his snobbish attitude.

说道这里,我怎麽觉得自己是个势力小人啊。When I say this, I feel me like a snobbish flunky.

这些变得势利起来,这正成为一种势利的文化。It's become snobbish. It's become a snobbish culture.

太多钱使有些人变成势利眼。Too much money causes some people to become snobbish.

论资排辈是一种习惯势力,是一种落后的习惯势利。Seniority is a force of habit is a habit behind snobbish.

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使用这些字样的动机是庄严肃穆而非趋炎附势。The motive behind such words is austere rather than snobbish.

二是说,狗势力眼,看人凭人的着装。Second, a dog is snobbish , it will judge people by their dressing.

势利驱人去若流,君才六十便归休。If the flow of snobbish drive people to the king before they go off sixty.

北京受访者选择“排外”的比例最大,上海受访者抱怨当地“势利眼”的最多。" Snobbish " was the word for Shanghai among most of the local respondents.

我承认我有时候会势利,有时会有一种优越感。I admit that I can be snobbish and I can harbour a sense of superiority at times.

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这可能导致INFJ表现的太强烈的固执己见或者对别人势利。It may cause the INFJ to come off as too strongly opinionated or snobbish to others.

明格拉先生的电影已经在英国受到嗤之以鼻,事实上有点势利的批评。Mr Minghella's film has received sniffy , indeed somewhat snobbish reviews in Britain.

我没有告诉主人就离开了晚会,我无法忍受那些势利小人。I left the party without telling the host, for I couldn't put up with these snobbish people.

诗人轻而易举地把这首诗继续写下去,洋洋数百行,行行都象下列名句一样精巧、神气十足。The poem continues effortlessly through hundreds of lines as well turned and snobbish as the famous.

现在她成了孤儿,母亲那边的那些势利眼的亲戚将要把她带到新月农场跟他们一起住。Now Emily's an orphan, and her mother's snobbish relatives are taking her to live with them at New Moon Farm.

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通常来说我不会去搭理她对所谓不适当的婚姻的自负的意见的,既荒唐又过时。Naturally, I pay no attention to her snobbish nonsense about misalliances, which is ridiculous and out-of-date.

对于非波士顿的美国人来说,绅士派文人不仅势力眼,而且心地偏狭,过于沾沾自喜。To non-Bostonian Americans, the Brathmins have seemed both snobbish and parochial, too pleased with themselves.

丝兰回家了,带了礼物,给父亲买了衣服,继母钱包,势利的继母很快乐。Silk orchid home, bring gifts, give father bought clothes, the stepmother purse, snobbish stepmother very happy.