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将多重网格法运用于非结构网格。The multigrid method is applied in the unstructured grid.

发展了动态非结构重叠网格技术。A new dynamic unstructured overset grid method is de ve loped.

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本文研究了基于非结构的重叠网格算法。The unstructured overset grid algorithm is explored in this paper.

非结构网格的变形运动由弹簧近似技术实现。The deformation of unstructured grid was implemented by spring analogy.

在这两个场景中,非结构化数据的主要类型是文本。In both of the above scenarios, text is the main type of unstructured data.

完全非结构化网格可以使用包括多面体网格在内的所有常见单元类型。Fully unstructured grids can be used with all common cell types including polyhedral meshes.

把来自异质数据源的适当视图转变为非结构数据是非常复杂的。Getting the right view into unstructured data from heterogeneous sources can be quite tricky.

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添加来自非结构化数据的信息可以显著增强这些预测模型。Adding information from unstructured data could enhance these predictive models significantly.

可以使用用户定义的属性来作为简单的、非结构化和无类型的扩展机制。You can use user-defined properties as a simple, unstructured and untyped extension mechanism.

采用八叉树结构,生成复杂外形绕流计算的非结构直角网格。Unstructured Cartesian grid for complex geometries is generated based on Octree data structure.

这些引擎能够接收和处理结构化和非结构化实时运动数据。These engines can ingest and process real-time in-motion data that is structured or unstructured.

究其缘由,你将经历的仅仅是重建哪些是现在在你身体里隐藏的和未开化的。The metamorphosis you will undergo merely reconstructs what is now latent and unstructured in you.

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其结构既可以作为露天剧场的正规座位使用,也可以用于休闲娱乐。The structures can accommodate formal amphitheater seating as well as casual and unstructured play.

另外,如果结构化、半结构化和非结构化数据的数量大体相当,那么怎么办呢?And what do you do if the amount of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data is roughly equal?

不管使用什么技术,索引大量非结构化数据是一件很艰难的任务。Indexing large amounts of unstructured data is a difficult task regardless of the technologies involved.

结构化网格转换成非结构化网格是网格生成技术的一个分支。The transformation of structured meshes to unstructured meshes is a branch of mesh generation technology.

不过,该数据对分析系统而言是非结构化的,因为它没有与之关联的意思。The data, however, is unstructured to an analytical system because there is no meaning associated with it.

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每天,学生们都有45分钟的“团体时间”,一个刻意不加组织的时间段。Every day, students have 45 minutes of“community time, ” an intentionally unstructured period for the students.

本文的研究对象是无结构对等网络系统中广泛存在的搭便车问题。The research object of the paper is the free-riding problem which widely exists in the unstructured P2P networks.

考虑收集到的大量快餐餐馆的问卷调查,其中包含了许多非结构化文本。Consider a large collection of fast food restaurant surveys, which amounts to a large amount of unstructured text.