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而且一拿还是两把!Not just one, but two cattail leaf fans!

亳州哪里有收购蒲黄的?。Where Bo Zhou City has buying a cattail yellow?

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一把蒲扇可以用来扇风。One cattail leaf fan can be used to cool the air.

在杜蒲草堂寺留下了我们青春的倩影。Has left behind our youth beautiful figure in the Du cattail stem hall temple.

从远古起,印第安人用香蒲编成小舟或筏子,下湖捕鱼。From ancient times, the Indians, compiled by cattail boat or raft, the lake fishing.

下图中褐色的香蒲叶因为与众不同而成为主体。The brown cattail leaf below is dominant because it is different from those around it.

文章探讨了水生植物废弃物蒲草根对阴离子染料刚果红的吸附及其作用机理。A novel biosorbent cattail root was investigated for the removal of Congo Red from aqueous solution.

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家家户户在他们的门口挂上香蒲或者艾叶以驱走蚊子和其他昆虫。People would hang cattail and mugwort leaves on their doors to drive away mosquitoes and other insects.

不时飞来的习习微风,似乎是上苍在远处为你摇着蒲扇。A breeze would come to you from time to time as if the God was shaking a cattail leaf fan in the distance.

在冬季潮湿的地区也可以搞到一些良好的绝缘绒毛的香蒲,芦苇形式的材料。During the winter wet areas may provide an excellent insulating material in the form of cattail fluff and reeds.

我做过一个梦,梦里面,猫尾射出的尖刺戳破了气球,僵尸掉落在了地上。我不晓得这是什么意思。I had a dream. In it, cattail spikes popped balloons and dropped zombies to the ground. I don't know what it means.

为了继承伯父的巨额遗产,他决心遵守伯父“死都要蒲”的遗嘱。For the bequest of a huge sum of successive uncle, he is determined to abide by an uncle " want cattail to death " will.

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香蒲绒纤维的朵状结构与羽绒具有一定的相似性,而香蒲绒纤维与木棉纤维一样具有较高的中空度。In some extent, the cattail fiber has similar divaricate structure with down fiber, and has high hollowness as kapok fiber.

来对其科学历史馆里的永久展品进行一次虚拟旅行,那里有奥色治人的香蒲小屋或是古老的商站等等。Make a virtual visit to the permanent exhibits, like an Osage cattail hut or an old time trading post, at this science and history museum.

我国香蒲植物资源丰富,但对其开发利用重视不够,尤其在环境保护方面的利用极少,资源优势尚未转化为环境优势和经济优势。There were rich cattail plant resources in China, but its utilization and exploitation weren't regarded, especially the utilization in environmental protection.

古韵老粗布工艺品厂是一家集设计、研发、生产、贸易于一体的专门从事老粗布系列、柳草编系列工艺品的专业厂家。Guyun is a factory of craftwork of rough cloth. It is a professional factory in design, development, production and trade of craftwork of rough cloth and wicker and cattail.

在机械群落里,或是说机械生态系统里,某些机器好像更愿意和另一些机器在一起,就像红翅膀的黑鸟喜欢在有香蒲的湿地筑巢。In mechanical communities, or ecosystems , some machines are more likely to associate with certain other machines, just as red-winged blackbirds favor nesting in cattail swamps.

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加强香蒲植物资源在环保方面的开发利用,具有巨大的市场潜力和较好的环境效益、经济效益。To strengthen the exploitation and utilization of cattail plant resources in environmental protection would create huge market potential and environmental and economic benefits.

在典生日那天,蒲买了生日礼物给典,在电话中蒲要典发誓,会一生一世照顾好这份生日礼物。In allusion birthday that day, cattail bought birthday present to give standard work of scholarship, in the phone Pu Yaodian pledges, meeting one's whole life has taken care of this birthday present.