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我对他们的卑劣行径感到愤慨。I was indignant at their mean actions.

听了这消息他们非常愤怒。At this news they were highly indignant.

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中国是个令人恶心和气愤的国家。China is a disgusting, indignant country.

这些人不妨就叫"愤怒天使"吧We'll call these guys "Indignant angels."

那位喝威士忌的上校很气愤。The whisky-drinking colonel was indignant.

沙漠上愤怒的鸟群阴影飞旋。Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.

愤怒的人们不断打电话到国内电台。Indignant callers jammed the country 'sair waves.

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那个愤怒的顾客向经理投诉。The indignant customer complained to the manager.

我的收益是愤怒天使的收益So my payoffs this time, are the indignant angel payoffs.

本气极了,揪住了那个人的衣领。Ben was so indignant that be seized the man by the collar.

米莉正在以凶猛、愤怒的能量与贫困作斗争。Milly is fighting poverty with a fierce, indignant energy.

布伦特那张老实巴交的宽脸上呈现迷惑神情。Brent's wide ingenuous face was puzzled and mildly indignant.

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对于他们枪杀无辜平民,人们感到义愤填膺。People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.

他对他妻子的不端行为感到非常愤慨。He was very indignant with his wife over her improper conduct.

许多民间机构的分析师也认同这些义愤填膺的央行官员的看法.Many private economists agree with the indignant central bankers.

你是愤怒天使,你和饭桶恶魔博弈You're the indignant angel. You're playing against this evil git.

反驳她,她说起话来就会义愤填膺。She waxes righteously indignant if anyone tries to contradict her.

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她是如此地气愤伤心,几乎想找个人聊一聊。She was so indignant that she almost felt like talking to somebody.

门徒看见,就很不喜悦,说,何用这样的枉费呢。When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. "Why this waste?"

愤怒的网民开始传播此言——“我爸是李刚”的流行语就这样诞生了。Indignant Netizens got wind and the My-Dad-is-Li-Gang meme was born.