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那时,你们只是为了氧化你们的身体系统而呼吸。You used your breath only to oxygenate the system.

植物吸收更多的氮和一些含氧水。The plants uptake more of the nitrogen and some oxygenate the water.

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进行完全的从腹部开始的深呼吸可以给你的身体充足的氧气并平抚你的神经系统。Oxygenate your body and calm your nervous system with full belly breathing.

目的探讨氧合液的抗休克作用和机制。Objective To investigate the antishock effect of oxygenate solution and its possible mechanism.

塔式脱氧水制备系统是在国外技术基础上加以吸收消化而开发的一种产品。The tower-type oxygenate system is a produce based on absorbing and digesting the foreign technology.

这是因为,水向岸边的任何流动都会使水中的含氧量增加。This is because in the summer any disturbance that the water makes against the bank would oxygenate the water.

通过用含有含氧物质的载体原料处理所述脱蜡催化剂来进行选择活化。Selective activation is accomplished by treated the dewaxing catalyst with a carrier feed containing oxygenate.

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支持健康的血液流,将滋养,净化,加强,氧气和加氢你的身体每一个细胞。Supports a healthy blood stream that will nourish, purify, strengthen, oxygenate and hydrogenate every cell in your body.

海藻有助于底层海水的充氧,贝类则可过滤海水,维持海水良好的透光度,有益光合作用的进行。The algae helped to oxygenate the bottom waters, and the mussels filtered the seawater, thereby maintaining good light conditions for photosynthesis.

产品脱氧性能精度高、稳定性好、可靠性强,设备广泛应用于各种需要高纯度脱氧水的应用场合。This equipment widely used in diversified situations which needs high purity oxygenate water with high precision, good stability and strong reliability.

结论在心肌保护方面浅-中-浅低温高钾氧合血优于高钾氧合冷血。Conclusion Shallow-midst-shallow hypothermy of hyperconcentrative kalium oxygenate blood surpasses high kalium oxygenate cold-blood in myocardial protection.

结果表明,夏季高温时采用微孔管道增氧能有效降低表层、底层的温差,一定程度上降低底层水温。Results showed that, the micropore oxygen aeration could oxygenate the water quickly and effectively, had the 5 times dissolved oxygen increase velocity than common aeration.

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由支气管供应空气,而肺动脉完成对肺部的供血,它们俩协同工作将将空气中的氧气溶入血液,并将二氧化碳排出体外。The bronchi supply air and pulmonary arteriessupply blood to the lungs. Together they take in air from theatmosphere, oxygenate the blood, and excrete the carbon dioxide backout of the body.