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第一张图片,figure1.pngThe first picture goes here, figure1.png

第二张图片,figure2.pngThe second picture goes here, figure2.png

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数据必须是JPG或者PNG格式格式的图片。The data must be an image in JPG or PNG format.

背景巴新格局,是透明的。The background of the PNG pattern is transparent.

最常见的是PNG和GIF版式的。Most common format found on the site is PNG and GIF.

原型可以输出到剪贴板或者导出为PNG格式。Mockups can be exported to clipboard or to a PNG file.

第二个问题是让这个PNG图片到手机上。The second problem is getting this PNG image to the phone.

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图片必须保存在。巴纽保持透明区域。Images must be saved in . png to preserve the transparent areas.

PNG对于透明无损耗的小文件是不错的选择。PNG is good option for transparency and non-lossy, smaller files.

收藏夹图标可以有多种不同的文件格式,包括流行的.png。Favicon can be in various file format, including the popular .png.

如果只向其他坛友要求分享源文件是不能体会到这一点的。Only ask other users to share their PNG source file is not appreciate.

如果你使用。巴纽格式,你会遇到一些问题,与上述代码。If you use . png format you will experience problems with the code above.

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您可以以一系列PNG图像的形式,或Flash形式,或Quicktime电影的形式把您的作品导出。You can export your work as a series of PNG images, a Flash or a Quicktime movie.

我决定自己尝试和电子邮件作为一个PNG图像,并通过手机下载。I decided to try and email myself the image as a PNG and download it via the phone.

你可以看到超过16页的免费图标集,并且是可以以PNG格式免费下载的图标。You can browse over 16 pages of free icon sets that are downloadable in PNG format.

PNG支持像GIF这样的8位色,也像JPG那样支持24位色RGB。PNG supports 8-bit color like GIF, but also supports 24-bit color RGB, like JPG does.

利用资源处理工具减少PNG的分辨率和色深。Take advantage of resource-processing tools that red UCe PNG resolution and color depth.

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首先,纸质的杂志被塞进iPad小小的框内,变成了PNG格式的幻灯片。First, the paper magazine was crammed into the little iPad frame. In form of a PNG slide show.

结果可用位图和矢量图两种图形格式显示。The corresponding sequence will be shown in a new window by clicking the picture in PNG format.

对于PNG文件,伽玛校正应用到纹理如果PNG文件包含伽玛信息。For PNG files, gamma correction is applied to the texture if PNG file contains gamma information.