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他们直接陷入了银河帝国。They ran straight into the Galactic Empire.

地球这颗行星将会在2012年穿过银道面吗?Will Earth pass through the galactic plane in 2012?

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这个被银河的玛雅人探访的文明是萨满教的。The cultures visited by the Galactic Maya were shamanic.

这些合并会在星系进化的过程中促成类星体阶段的到来。Such mergers can generate a quasar phase of galactic evolution.

我们阿西塔银河系的统帅们,感谢你们的注意。We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention.

我们,阿西塔银河系的指挥部,感谢你们的注意。We of the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention.

西迪厄斯宣布成立第一银河帝国,实行新秩序。Sidious had declared his new order as the first Galactic Empire.

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他们被称为老鼠星系是因为星系潮汐产生的长尾巴。Their name refers to the long tails produced by a galactic tide.

接着他们测试了整个过程,寻找星系合并的迹象。Then they tested the whole shebang for signs of galactic mergers.

然而,这个小小手套可能会对着我们的脸来一记石破天惊的耳光。but it could be about to give us all a galactic slap in the face.

银河星云是我们星系中的一团团弥散物。Galactic nebulas are masses of diffuse material within our galaxy.

这个‘指环’可能是在两个星团发生碰撞时形成的。The ring may have been formed when two galactic clusters collided.

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古老的恒星驻留在位于星系的圆盘中心凸起的部分。Older stars reside in the bulge at the center of the galactic disk.

星系观测能用相对论性引力解释吗?。Can a Relativistic Gravity Theory Explain the Galactic Observations ?

他们曾与我们在两个银河循环之前接触过,现在他们想再次与我们交好了。Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again.

这些研究飞行对于维珍银河是一个里程碑。These research flights mark an important milestone for Virgin Galactic.

不在银道面上,在银河系的晕周围。They are found outside the galactic plane, in a halo around the galaxy.

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艾丘岛在隐居,因此在银河帝国的绝地大宰杀中幸免于死。Echuu survived in hiding through the Galactic Empire's Great Jedi Purge.

一千代人以来,科洛桑始终是银河事务的中心。For a thousand generations Coruscant has been central to galactic affairs.

泰希克,人类男性,生活在银河帝国政权时代。Teshik was a Human male who lived during the reign of the Galactic Empire.