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他们并不在终身制考察期。They are not on a tenure track.

我十分喜欢在大正公司的工作。I enjoy my tenure at Tai Ching Company.

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在哈佛收到长期聘用资格的第一女性。First woman to receive tenure at Harvard.

可能直到我们在别处获得终身职位。Probably until we get tenure somewhere else.

佃农对土地的使用权佃农拥有土地的法律使用权。The legal tenure by which a villein held land.

助理教授要经过5到7年才可获得终身教授资格。Assistant professors have 5 to 7 years to get tenure.

薪水还可能跟其他东西有联系,如任期。Salaries can also be tied to something else -- tenure.

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他希望今年得到哥伦比亚大学的终身职。He hopes to get tenure at Columbia University this year.

韩德胜的CEO之路从一开始就是坎坷不平的。Henderson's tenure as CEO was tumultuous from the start.

获得任期的教授不可轻易被解雇。A professor with tenia tenure cannot be easily dismissed.

他问他们“如果得不到终身职位会怎样?And he asked them, "What happens if you don't get tenure?

我们最高法院的成员都是终生任期的。The members of our highest court are granted life tenure.

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其员工享有职位终身制,无法终止劳动关系。Their employees enjoy life tenure and cannot be terminated.

这就是为什么资产泡沫在他任职期间发展得如此之大的原因。That is why asset bubbles could grow so large during his tenure.

毫无疑问的一点是,终身职位制度可以保住一些平庸之辈的饭碗。To be sure, tenure can protect the careers of some mediocrities.

在他任职五年期间,河东一带地区很少发生水灾。During his tenure the five-year period, the area east Few floods.

他在担任市长的整个任期内都深得民心。He remained popular throughout his tenure of the office of mayor.

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第三章美国大学终身教授制度的实践。Chapter III The practice of the American university tenure system.

伊州在任期间奥巴马支持保护男同性恋权力。Barack Obama supported gay rights during his Illinois Senate tenure.

看,我的工作就是这么地不讨好,所以,你们在这了。See, tenure means never having to say you're sorry. So, you're here.