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她是一位空中小姐。She is a stewardess.

是的,服务员在换票。Yes. The stewardess is changing tickets.

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女乘务员体贴地给我拿来了毯子。The stewardess kindly brought me a blanket.

问女乘务员,她会知道答案。Ask the stewardess. She will know the answer.

可能美国空姐是最火辣的空姐之一。Maybe America stewardess is one of the hottest.

女税务员把香槟酒倒入玻璃杯中。The stewardess poured champagne into the glasses.

哪个国家的空姐最火辣?美国吗?Which country has the hottest stewardess? America?

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空姐应浅笑面对机上的每一个旅客。A stewardess should smile to every passenger aboard.

我听说你和三个空中小姐共进了午餐。I heard you had lunch with three airline stewardess.

乘务员刚刚用英语报站。The stewardess has just announced the next stop in English.

服务员会给你晕机药或让你嚼口香糖。The stewardess will give you an airsick pill or gum to chew.

飞机在法国降落后,一位空姐扶飞行员下飞机。A stewardess gives a pilot a hand as they disembark in France.

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凯西和艾凡登上飞机。他们遇见一名女空服员。Kathy and Evan board the aircraft. They are met by a stewardess.

很大一部分内容都集中在年轻漂亮的空姐Rin身上。Much of the action centers on Rin, a beautiful young stewardess.

直到一次出行的飞机上,调酒师遇到了一位像极了他前妻的空姐。Until a trip on a plane, the bartender met a very like his ex-wife stewardess.

一位女乘务员站在机舱门口欢迎乘客登机。One stewardess stands at the front cabin door to welcome the Passengers aboard.

艾凡和凯西走到飞机的另一边。他们遇见了另一名女空服员。Evan and Kathy go to the other side of the aircraft. They meet another stewardess.

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当空姐已奉上咖啡时,飞行员却宣布发生动荡。As soon as the stewardess has served the coffee, the pilot announced to turbulence.

败替一名空姐始终非尔的幻想,而且我爱好到各天游览。It? always been my dream to be a stewardess. And I like travelling to different places.

空姐带着一名女乘客偷偷看机长驾驶飞机。A stewardess offers a female passenger a sneak peek at the men—and gears—controlling the flight.