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大暑之后,时序到了立秋。Dashu, the timing to Liqiu.

修正鱼人攻击计时问题。Fix the merm attack timing.

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可定时启动录音。Timing can start recording.

一些人质疑证交会的时机选择。Some question the SEC’s timing.

定时和“剂量”也是重要的。Timing and "doses" also matter.

录像机定时与控制?。VTAC? Video Timing And Control?

他退休是因为时间到了。The reason he retired was timing.

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这样的定时设备应该是怎样的?What should the timing device be?

安装机油泵的正时链条罩。Fit timing chain cover on oil pump.

这是一场关于时间的辩论。The debate is all about its timing.

那么计时时我要达到怎样的精度?How accurate should I do the timing?

他截击空中球的时机掌握得很好。His timing when he volleys is so good.

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股灾的教训是别指望靠市场时机选择赚钱The take-away is to avoid market timing.

设有定时装置,搅拌时间可调。Timing device adjusts the time for mixing.

原因就是挑错时机了。The reason is, because the timing was wrong.

检查赛程表所记录的路线清理时段。Check timetable for timing of route cleaning.

很有可能是怀孕的时间这个因素。The other factors may be timing of conception.

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在自动化测试时记录时间信息Log timing information alongside the automation

这种分割到秒的记时并不总是有规律的。This split-second timing is not always the rule.

走路是经行念真经最好的时机。Walking is the best timing for walking practice.