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2月26日是我的木瓜姐姐的生日。Feb 26 is my sister pawpaw's birthday.

我们收到了您2010年2月1日的来信。We received your letter on Feb.1 2010.

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2007年2月1日由陆地卫星5号拍摄Image taken by Landsat 5 on Feb. 1, 2007

2003年2月1日由陆地卫星7号拍摄Image taken by Landsat 7 on Feb. 1, 2003

今年的博览会将从13日持续到18日。The Arco art runs from Feb. 13 to 18, 2008.

2月25日薄薄的云,让天空始终蒙着一层灰。Feb. 25. Thin cloud, make the sky has a layer.

他们只得把约期改到2月28日。They had to change the date fixed to Feb. 28th.

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描述FEB偏滤器的物理设计研究。The physical study of FEB divertor is presented.

他们也可能在2月12日-14日探访其他圣地。They may also tour the holy places on Feb 12-14.

该箱二月四号封箱,三天后装船。It was sealed Feb. 4 and shipped three days later.

警方2月3日突袭这间公寓时只有李俊一个人在家。Only Mr. Li was home when they swooped in on Feb. 3.

这批收益率2.875的债券将于2015年2月9日到期。The 2.875 percent notes will mature on Feb. 9, 2015.

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骆驼牌香烟的广告。Camel cigarette advertisement. Times Square, Feb 1943.

法院将引渡听证定于2月7日-8日。The court scheduled the extradition hearing for Feb. 7-8.

但那个星期六,2月12日,我在记者席上欢呼了。But on that Saturday, Feb. 12, I cheered in the press box.

一个名为松狮扶植科迪是2月13日之前的表演。A chow chow named Cody is groomed before the show on Feb. 13.

当局计划明年2月14日重访坦普尔1号。The agency plans to revisit Tempel 1 on Feb. 14 of next year.

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二月三日星期三晴电影今天是晴空万里,没有风的日子。Wed. , Feb. 3 clear Movies Today was very clear with no wind.

Luminar说在7月他们拥有76家俱乐部,而在2月的时候,他们还有87家。Luminar said in July it had 76 clubs, down from 87 on Feb. 25.

今年二月十日,他曾公布一个大略的银行援助计划。On Feb. 10, he had announced a less specific bank bailout plan.