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主客位研究视野中的彝族世界。The Yi world in the field of vision of emic and etic research.

着位法和语言法可能是怎样在家庭研究的进程中反映出来的呢?How might the emic and etic approaches be reflected in the study of family processes?

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前述消息人士未被授权公开谈论上述消息.ETIC则拒绝置评.The person was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter. The ETIC declined to comment.

消息人士称,ETIC将不排除达美航空或美国航空未来向日航投资.The ETIC would not rule out an investment from Delta or American Airlines in the future, the person said.

在与日本ETIC社会创业学校领导和师生的交流中得知,该校是培养年轻人创办社会企业的摇篮。I got to know that ETIC is the cradle of social enterprises for young people from the talk with the staff and students of ETIC.

因此,在探讨空间形成力量之前,研究者应该在主位与客位的视角之间做出选择。Therefore the researcher should make the choice between emic and etic approaches before he makes a study of the power of forming sphere.

介绍了通过英美文化背景、标音体系、发音、语调等多方面的对比进行英语语音教学的方法要领。In this article, the contrastive teaching way in terms of cultural background, phon etic system, pronunciation and intonation is discussed.

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尽管日本企业再生机构可能拒绝这些新投资,它还是会让日航的新管理层在晚些时候重新考虑这些计划。Although the ETIC is likely to reject the new investment, it will reportedly leave JAL's new management to reconsider the offers at a later date.

该校还针对日本年轻人对社会项目较感兴趣的需求,采取帮助年轻人寻找创业资源的方式,让创业的“点子”形成可操作性的现实。According to the intense interest toward the public interest from the young people, ETIC helps them with finding the resource to realize their planning.

在安装蹀阀时,如果法兰未能给予蹀阀充分的空间将会损坏密封圈。Las bridas insuficientemente separadas pueden deteriorar el anillo elastico. if the flanges are not sufficiently separated they could damage the etic ring.

非位的即在实践中弄出来过多的不重要的区别,严格的语言学中有关语音和音位的分析就是这样的例子。Being etic means making far too many, as well as behaviorally inconsequential, differentiations, just as was often the case with phonetic vs. phonemic analysis in linguistics proper.

在同一个化性类群内,同一地理种群的个体间基因变异小于不同地理种群的变异。The gen etic variation of individuals from the same geographic populations was smaller than that of individuals from different geographic populations within the same voltinism groups.

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以山东省少儿运动员为研究对象,采用访问调查法,调查内容包括基础营养知识、运动营养知识、饮食习惯和态度。An interview was conducted among 135 juvenile athletes in Shand ong province, including basic nutrition knowledge, sports nutrition knowledge, diet etic behavior and cognitive attitude.

就教育研究来说,这意味着从主位视角和客位视角等多角度来看待教育问题,借以激发对教育问题的新颖理解和看法。Therefore, they argued a multi-perspective theory and emphasized the original perspective. As to education research, it means viewing educational problems by emic and etic perspectives.

ETIC准备让日航于1月19-22日期间申请破产,并将于申请提出当日宣布对日航的支援计划.The ETIC is planning for JAL to file for bankruptcy some time between January 19 and 22. The ETIC would announce its plan to support the carrier on the same day as the bankruptcy filing.

对遗传算法的算子加以改进,并用改进后的遗传算法求解飞行管理问题,模拟结果表明该算法有效。In this paper, we improve Gen etic operators, and use the improved Genetic Algorithms to solve flight management. Results of simulation show that improved Genetic Algorithms is effective.

应用体外骨髓基质细胞贴壁培养的方法,观察了小鼠骨髓贴壁细胞的形态及其对造血的调控作用。By using the techniques of in vitro bone marrow long-term liquid culture system, we observed the morphological features of murine bone marrow stroma cells and their hemotopo etic regulation.

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医生为当事人进行婚检,当发现其中一方患有性病等疾病时,告知是否会涉及到隐私权与知情权的问题,就隐私权与知情权的冲突与协调问题进行了探讨。A small scale study has been implemented to investigate the practitioner's perceptions on such ethical issues as informed consent, emic and etic perspectives, and the ownership of research data.